November 26th

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November 26th.

You roll out of bed like you've done so many mornings before.
The cool air of an early Jersey winter biting your ass as soon as you get up.

"Jesus fuck it's cold."
You mumble walking over to the window tripping over your sprawled out mess of sheet music and guitar picks that littered the floor.
Shutting the window you look out to your childhood neighborhood.

Fresh snow covering the street and lawn your friends had met on so many years ago.

Your parents left the house to you when they escaped to the warmer climate of California.
Lucky them.
But if you had moved with the you feared you would've missed the snowy sidewalks of Jersey.

Walking downstairs, you go to the kitchen fixing a fresh pot of coffee.
Dumping out the stale one from last night.

Not saying the house fell into disrepair but,
There was definitely more clutter since they moved.
Ash trays taking up space on the kitchen counter where mail and magazines used to be.

You pull a cigarette out of your carton lighting it while you wait for the coffee to brew.
You check your phone.

It was your manager Bren.
He had called you an hour ago-
No messages. Weird I call him back.

"Y/n thank fuck you're awake,
Listen how soon can you pack your shit up to go on Tour?"

You blink the cigarette hanging off your lip drops white ash onto the kitchen counter.
You flick the ash off.


You hear him give an exasperated sigh over the phone.

"I already called the boys and they're ready to leave as soon as you are- we're going to be touring with my chemical romance as one of the openers."

Gerard. Mother fucking way.
You take another drag off the cigarette.

"Oh- for how long?"

"Well- that's the thing.
We're supposed to tour with them till summer."

"It's winter."


You place a hand on your forehead.
"Okay fuckin- I guess."

"Great we're leaving tonight at 8"

"K bye-"

You hang up.
He can text you the details.
Pouring yourself a fresh cup of caf.

You walk over to the cluttered sofa dialing one of your bandmates.

"Yo Sean- did Bren call you this morning?"

"Uhh yeah we're heading out tonight right?"

Sean was our fresh 18 year old bassist and your backup vocalist.

You sigh taking a long sip of your coffee.

"Do you think we could meet up at my place before we leave tonight I have some phone calls to make.
And you and I both know how I feel about phones-"

You mostly tolerated their existence seeing them as necessary for your career.
Other than that it was just a useless piece of plastic to you.

You hear him hum,
"Uh yeah shouldn't be a problem- let's meet up at like what...3ish?"

"Yeah works for me alright I gotta dash see ya"

I hang up and call an even older friend.
You wonder if they'd even recognize the number-

"Hello who is this?"

"Hey Ger- so, we're touring together now."

"Y/n shit girl it's been years!
How've you been?
Yeah isn't that cool your manager reached out."

Gerard way x readerWhere stories live. Discover now