Punk tactics

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You wake up and moan in pain.
"Mother fucker- where am I?"
I recognize the tour bus but I'm not in my bunk.
It's dark so it takes a moment for my eyes to adjust, oh I'm just in my pillow fort.

I get up pain racking through my body.
Another moan of pain escaping your lips,
You sit up, fucking. Cramps.
Holding your sides you crawl to your bunk getting out some midol and a feminine product.
You basically roll into the bathroom and change your clothes.

Better now than during the show,
You have about a day between shows so you'll get a day of rest to sleep the worst of it off.
The bus was empty so you look out the window and see that we've pulled up to a local Waffle House. How fun.

You get out and walk to the diner, it's your typical Waffle House kinda dirty a few drunk people strewn about the diner, finding the boys at a booth in the back you crawl into the booth and demand a waffle with a coffee.
Ryan is the first to notice your rough state,
He pulls you into his side rubbing your back with his fingers.
You sigh and lean on the table putting your head down.

"What's her problem?" Frank says.
"She obviously doesn't feel good."
Ryan says rolling his eyes.
"Yeah no shit but what's wrong with her."
"You know I'm right here you can just ask me-
I've got a name and everything."
Franky ignores you.

Gerard is kinda trying to read the vibe of the table, he could tell you were probably sick and hungry hence why you left the bus.
Normally you were the type to take sleep over food any day.

Mikey is ignoring everyone focusing on his coffee.
Sean is playing with his food,
Ryan's comforting you-
Franky is pissed you're taking up everyone's attention.
Ray was just being unproblematic and eating his food like the angel he is.
Gee decided to not read into things and eat his food.

All the while a very nice waitress brings you your waffle and you inhale it finishing the coffee.
Bren and the rest of the production crew were just pulling up to the Diner.
You wonder if they'd let you guys leave and go back to the hotel without them, nothing sounded better than a hot shower right now.

You decided to play chopsticks with Ryan but you keep losing because, honestly you don't really understand how chopsticks work.
"Y/n if you hit my finger I take one away, you don't add one stop doing that."
"I don't- this, this is dumb!" you pout.
Ryan groans putting his hands away.
"So where to next?" you ask kinda feeling better.
"Boston and then Rochester."
So Massachusetts then New York.
What a weird show order.
But then again it's an east coast band.

"From there it's what- back to Jersey for a day right? Then we head west." Ray says looking around the table.
Frankie nods confirming rays thoughts.
Frank and Ray start talking about tour dates and possibly flying their wives out to visit-
You stop listening and start stacking coffee creamers into little houses with Sean.

Suddenly, the diner feels way too warm and claustrophobic with all the band and tour crew around so you slither out from between Ryan and Sean crawling under the table and escaping the booth, "I'm gonna go for a walk I'll be back."
Gee gets up too quickly and moves the table causing cutlery to fall to the floor.
"I- uh, I'll go with you."
You look him up and down before shrugging and walking out of the diner he follows you close behind.
Walking out into the cool night air Gee comes out and walks next to you, looking around the area- it's a big parking lot with a small strip mall.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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