Chapter 2: Past and Present

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That was the night Minho, the Keeper of the Runners, came back saying he'd found a dead Griever. The next day, Alby and Minho went back to find it.

It was about 4:15 pm when Newt knocked on the door to the Maps Room. He entered, only to find it empty. It took him another half hour before he found her. In the graveyard.

"Hey," Newt said. Lyra turned.

"Hey," she said. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Probably," he admitted.

"I'm worried too," she cast her eyes to the Maze Doors. "But they'll get back, they have time-"

"Lyra, the doors close in four minutes."


"What?" she stood up. "No. No, please! C'mon, Newt, you can run, just this once?" Lyra took off without looking back. Newt sighed and followed, limping.  A small group of people stood at the entrance, including Thomas. Once again, they parted for Lyra like they had done the night before.

"C'mon, Alby... you can make it...where the hell are you?" She murmured. Thomas pushed forwards to stand next to her. 

"Think they'll make it back?" He asked her. Several people stared at him in shock. Lyra paid him no notice. Newt arrived on her other side.

"3o seconds..." Suddenly, they appeared at the end of the corridor. But something wasn't right. Alby was covered in blood, leaning heavily on Minho. The doors began to close.

"NO!" Lyra shrieked and sprinted forwards. Newt leaped after her and tackled her to the ground.

"Lyra, you idiot!" But his words were wasted. In the confusion, Thomas too had sprinted forwards. And nobody had stopped him.

Newt swore silently, rolling off Lyra. She leapt up, defiance in her brilliant green eyes. She reached down, pulling Newt up easily. Lyra glared at him. Then she turned, tears in her eyes, and sprinted away.

"Back to your duties, everyone. Nothing we can do now," Newt said half-heartedly. The other Gladers dejectedly went back to their normal activities.


Night had well and truly fallen. Newt was lying in his usual spot, beneath the large oak tree in the eastern corner of the glade. No-one else slept anywhere near there. Silence was in the Glade, the last few people just shuffling around in their beds.

In her room attached to the Maps Room, Lyra was still awake, unable to sleep. She wore a sleeveless white nightdress, soft as silk. Quietly she got out of bed, and padded outside onto the cool grass. She walked silently across the Glade, all the way to where Newt was lying. In the silhouette of the moon, Lyra looked like an angel, with her blonde hair and white dress.

Newt turned towards her as she approached. She looked down at him lovingly. He patted the ground beside him and Lyra quickly lay down, his arm holding her close. Together they slept until dawn.

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