Chapter 02

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Chapter Two - Genius, Multimillionaire, Philanthropist


It's been a year since I arrived in this world better known as New York City, better known as my possible living hell, or better known as fanfic.

How normal, isn't it?

My first year was just ordinary, being a baby it's not like I could do a lot of things, I slept, woke up, ate, and cried.

Every day was the same except for some things like when "mom" used to talk to me about my father, I guess she thinks I don't understand her, or I won't remember, so she doesn't keep anything to herself, and when I say nothing, it's nothing.

When they tell you in detail how you were conceived in a hotel room during the first of July and with a little whiskey in between, with your crush from college is that you know that there is already trust, that there is already a bond that will unite you forever.

"Mom" after a while started talking about him in a derogatory way, saying he was an idiot, and drunk and that I wish I took his IQ only to give him his comeuppance in a special way.

A lot of hate in that post-pregnancy little body, huh?

I agree about getting his IQ out.

I have a lot of things to do in this world once I can talk and move freely, but about giving him his comeuppance I don't know, because that means seeing him, and seeing him means meeting the Avengers and no, thanks. Furthermore, I already have my life plan. Made with crayons, but made, after all.

1. I am sure I have his intelligence and that is a benefit to me.

2. I plan to study to finish school fast. After all, I've already gone through it once, I'll just get my degree, and bye.

3. I will study high school to be with the little spider, I will need information and what better than the non-blood son of Stark.

5. I will meet Stark when I am known.

6. I will create my own technology company, this is subject to point 5.

7. I must be ready for when Loki's invasion happens.

8. I will not be an avenger or heroine.

9. Hide from Fury.

10. I must write down everything I know about the movies, because, even if it's fanfic, they all follow the same order.

11. I will be like Fury, if he is one step ahead of everyone I will be 1 km ahead of him.

12. Become a hacker, it could get me out of a lot of trouble and hide information from me.

13. Protect my new family.

- "Martha, please go to sleep now it's 3:00 am, Mommy is sleepy."

I'm a baby who suffers from insomnia, and I won't be alone in this place. Get used to it.

- "I have to go to work, remember, we need the money."

I know... That's why when I grow up I will work for us, so you can rest, you are my family maybe not the first, but that doesn't mean I will leave you alone.


I'm 5 years old now, I can walk and talk.

My mother decided not to put me in kindergarten, because one day we went to the psychologist because I was not acting like a normal child according to her.

Reincarnated as Tony Stark's daughter?!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now