Chapter 03

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Chapter Three - The Beginning of the Future


It's been a few months since our visit to the doctor aka Mr. Marquee Front, after arriving home I started reading several books I downloaded from the Internet. Several of them were about technology and computers, except for the one about the little prince... I couldn't resist the temptation.

Mom decided to leave me without a babysitter since she thought it was a useless expense for her prodigy daughter, so taking advantage of the time I had left alone, I started to build a small artificial intelligence which I called Emily to remind me who I was.

At first, I suffered several incidents, one in which I almost ended up without eyebrows and another where I almost burned the kitchen, but nothing to worry about, in the end, I managed to finish Emily, and now she helps me to get information about Shield.

Simi Sr. was able to infiltrate their system, why can't I? Besides, I modified a few data of my history more than anything so that if someday they think of looking for me, it won't be so easy for them.

Tony's abduction, resulting in Iron Man, happened a month ago.



- "It can't be..." - Mom was crying her eyes out as we watched the news.

- "Billionaire Anthony Stark is currently missing after presenting his new project to the media and the military. The Jericho missiles, which are considered highly dangerous, are believed to be linked to a terrorist organization.

Meanwhile, Stark Industries representative Obadia Stain has decided not to speak to the press after his disappearance was reported.

The feds say they are doing everything possible to locate the Stark Industries wunderkind.

"We want to make it clear that Mr. Stark's case is our priority at this time, and we are doing everything possible to locate his whereabouts. To all people, we say, Anthony Stark will be brought home safe and sound."

- "Those were the words of James Rhodey, a member of the military and an acquaintance of Mr. Stark's at the last press conference."

- "Mom, don't worry, they'll find him." - I try to cheer her up.

- "I know, daughter, your father is not a man who gives up easily, and he will not let us rest from his pleasant presence." - She said as she smiled sadly at me.

- "Obviously, I still have to show him what he missed, don't I?"

- "You are right, he still has to realize what he missed."

After that, Mom and I started laughing and forgetting about the news.



Currently, Stark must be working on the first armor or unconscious due to his operation with the car battery included. But I don't worry too much, I know he'll get out of there. What makes me sad is that Yingsen will die in that cave, but it's not like I can do anything either.

Forgetting the sad and moving on...

Emily has become my connection to the outside world as I said before she has helped me get information from SHIELD such as about the Capsicle, the black and white copy of Arrow, the one-eyed pirate thanks to a cat, and last but not least the girl who changes her appearance in every avenger's movie from redhead to blonde. In addition to information about the Tesseract, I also got information about the wizard and the little spider. Who are currently of no relevance whatsoever.

Reincarnated as Tony Stark's daughter?!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now