Chapter 09

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Chapter Nine - Beyonce, The Gems And You


A few weeks have passed and my relationship with Ancestral has improved a lot to the point that I almost always go to visit her, I try to ask her in every attempt about the gems, but something always happens and the long-awaited conversation never comes.

My friendship with the guys is an important part of my life, I go to their houses, we have sleepovers, and best of all we make jokes! Even Peter has joined in occasionally with us. I must say that the boys loved it even though they were jealous at first because they said that because we are the same age I would spend more time with him, but then they got over it.

I am 1 year away from finishing high school and my mom is overflowing with joy, The Iron Sentinels have also increased in number now my room looks like a caffeine-addicted college kid's room with Barbie's dream house included.

- "Martha, you're going to see Ancestral today," - My mother shouted from the second floor.

- "I'm coming! Emily?"


- "When does Barbie come to earth?" - I asked putting away some toys in my My Little Pony backpack.

"According to SHIELD records and information collected by Miss Jane, in a couple of days."

- "Okay, and about Tony, what do you have?"

"Mr. Stark is currently developing the new element."

- "Well, I needn't worry, certainly, he'll still be alive and kicking and wowing us all with his handsome presence." - I sighed. - "We can take advantage of Dad being off duty to continue the enterprise."

"We already have the facilities and the staff. Thanks to the money raised from investors in a couple of days we'll be up and running."

- "Great!" - I squealed, clapping my hands as I ran down the stairs.

- "Ready?" - Mom asked.

- "More than ready, I'd say perfect!"

- "Where did you get that big ego?"

- "From Dad." - We both answered at the same time.

We left the house straight to the sanctuary in New York, which is close to our house.

- "Do you bring Emily with you?"

- "Always, you have her on your phone too, so we can stay connected all the time." - I smiled at her.

- "How are you doing with the company?"

- "Very well! In a couple of days, we will be able to start working, although nobody knows that I will be the director."

- "I don't quite understand how my 7-year-old daughter already has a million-dollar company."

- "Well, you raised a smart woman. And well, the sperm donor had a lot to do with it too."

- "Martha! Don't say things like that in the street!" - She said as she tapped me on the head.

- "Mom! I had a hard time combing my hair, three hours wasted!"

- "It's your fault for saying those things."

- "But it's true, according to the sexuality classes in high school there needs to be a sperm and an ovary, and you only have one of them."

- "You are 7 years old, we shouldn't be talking about sperm or ovaries." - She carried me in her arms to make the conversation more private. - "I want to see when you get your period or, as you call it, the red tide, if you are still so talkative."

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