Chapter 08

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Chapter Eight - The Bald Saviour


I'm lost...

I'm hungry...

I'm scared...

Just today, when I decided to stop updating Emily, this happens to me.

- "Mum! Mom!" - I screamed as loud as my vocal cords would allow me to. - "Mum! Where are you?"

A few minutes ago I was with Mum playing in a park near our house, I was on the swings playing with other kids. I saw Mum coming out of the park, so I hurried to follow her, according to me that tangle of hair was unmistakable but... in the end, I got confused and here I am crying in the middle of the pavement walking aimlessly.

Because yes, I may be very clever, and I may have created many things, but when fear comes to you, it comes with everything, and I am very bad with directions, so when I realized that the person I was following and shouting at wasn't my mum, I started to cry out of despair.

I'm 6 years old, what did you expect to happen?

- "Hip Mummy, I'm scared. Hip, I want to go home." - I walked with my eyes on the ground.

I walked aimlessly for a few more minutes until my little legs got tired, and I decided to sit on some stairs.

- "I'm so hungry, and I don't even have money for the bus." - I held my stomach, trying to shut it up.

The door behind me was opened.

- "Little girl, are you okay?" - She said calmly but worried.

- "I'm lost, I don't know where I am." - I had my head between my knees.

- "Why don't you come inside with me, so you can call your mom?"

- "My mom always told me not to talk to strangers, let alone go anywhere with them." - 'Safety first, who's to tell me she's not a genius child kidnapper? And...? What if she just wants the liquid from my knees? Nooo!'

- "If I told you my name, I wouldn't be a stranger anymore."

I raised my head even without seeing the person.

- "I guess not, but who's telling me it's your real name?" - I asked more calmly.

- "You'll just have to trust me, Martha."

'Wait what? I said it, kidnapper!'

I turned around so fast I thought I had a twitch.

- "Ancestral?!" - I shouted in surprise, seeing the woman in front of me.

She was wearing an orange and yellow suit with a black waistband and her signature bald head along with an amused smile.

- "Since we both know each other's names, I guess we're not strangers anymore."

- "You guessed right." - I murmured without taking my eyes off her.

- "Shall we go inside and have a cup of tea?" - Asked Ancestral.

- "Do you have any soda? Tea is not my favorite." - I smiled apologetically.

- "We can fix that." - She smiled and led me into the sanctuary.

It's bigger than one sees on Pinterest pictures, but I guess when you're 105 cm tall and your dad is a walking smurf, everything around you is the size of Godzilla.

The staircase where Doctor Banner falls in Infinity War, next to the relic that Tony almost broke...

God, what memories!

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