Chapter 04

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Today is my sixth birthday. I'm at my birthday party which is in the backyard, no way in the front yard. Drum roll..... Bad joke, sorry.

Mum already knows that I graduated from elementary school, so this party turned into a graduation-birthday type of party. To tell you the truth she did a great job with the preparations, for starters, there is an inflatable... I MEAN, A FUCKING INFLATABLE GAME!

In my other life, I never had one at any of my parties, so I ended up hogging it and became what I vowed to destroy: I'm the girl who won't let anyone get on it.

Remember the girl who was supposed to be my age? Well, let's just say that the chance to be friends was forgotten. I'd be upset too if they pushed me off the slide, saying I'm not worthy of this power because it comes with great responsibility.

'I hope I haven't inflicted copyright, I'm sorry Uncle Ben.'

- "Mum!" - The little girl named Lily aka Miss Unworthy began to cry.

'I've got to stop creating aliases for people.'

- "Love, don't worry, I'm sure she was just playing, right, Elise?"

- "Yeah sure, you know how kids are, she's excited about the game. I'll talk to her."

'My time has come, it was good while it lasted, hopefully, Hera will accept me by her side.'

- "Martha, my darling, my sugar-filled heaven."

Shit, she is annoyed. - "Yes Mommy dear," - I shouted from the inflatable, I'm not crazy enough to come down.

- "Wasn't what you said to Lily just a joke?"

- "This... Well..." - Have you ever felt that shiver down your back, that tells you to shut up, but you keep talking?

- "I hear you, honey."

- "Well... Of course, It is Ha... Ha, I was just playing it's not like she's not worthy of playing here on MY inflatable, it was just a joke to break the ice."

Her look was one of 'When everyone leaves, you'll see what a joke is'. - "Glad to hear it, now Lily, come on in and have fun. Besides Martha looks tired, maybe she should go downstairs and mingle with the others," - She smiled at me saying it was an order, not a suggestion.

- "Thank you! Martha, have fun with the others, I'll wait for you, so we can play!"

I know she doesn't mean it, but that sounded mocking and mean. Inflatable thief! Where I come from, they'll take away your candy bags for that kind of thing.

- "Yes, of course," - I said sarcastically, - "See you later."

- "Now go and say hello to the other kids."

- "The others are older than me. What am I supposed to talk to them about? Maths or chemistry?"

- "Put your sarcasm aside and play together. Remember to make friends."

- "I wasn't being sarcastic, I was serious about my question. Maybe I'll help them with their homework."

- "But they should just be looking at fractions!"

- "That's why I'm thinking about their future!"

Maybe we should cut down on the shouting, the parents gave me a dirty look. And like the mature person in a girl's body that I am, I stuck my tongue out at them and ran off with the older boys.

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