kiriko x femreader * youre mine pt2

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Heads up for this chapter: idk this characters name but when she's mentioned just imagine this girl fighting u 👍

Heads up for this chapter: idk this characters name but when she's mentioned just imagine this girl fighting u 👍

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Just as you were about to pull the trigger something from the left came and tackled you to the floor. Another protector. Since your gun was knocked out of your hand you had to rely on your close combat skills. You got in various punches and even managed to take out your knife which came near your attacker many times. In the time you were fighting, Kiriko had fought off the men that pinned her to the floor. She noticed her friends arrival, and dangerous situation, and quickly stepped in. You kept up a fight, for 2 against 1 you held yourself for a little while. Which was more than enough time for your team to pick themselves up and help you. But they didn't. In the corner of your eye you saw Toshiro. He wasn't seriously injured, neither was your team. So why the fuck was he signaling everyone else to retreat? You knew he was jealous but this was just stupid. If your father knew about this there was no way Toshiro would live. Unless he made up some bullshit lie to your father to make it seem like it wasn't his fault.

You were getting tired fast, you couldn't keep going for much longer. When they heard the sound of cars driving away they pinned you to the floor making sure you couldn't escape. You sighed in defeat, knowing you weren't getting of this. You looked up to see Kiriko before she raised her elbow and knocked you out.

When you woke up your hands and feet were tied tightly behind you with some sort of cloth? You were leaned against the wall of someone's apartment? You looked around to see the beige walls covered by pictures, posters, and shelves. Along them and everywhere else hid little Knick nacks, many of which were fox themed. And on the bed there was a box of donuts, only one strawberry sprinkled remain. You had an idea of who's room were in. Though you had to admit, seeing the domestic nature of the room was pretty weird because Kiriko was a beast on the battlefield. It was cute. In the room behind the closed door you heard faint voices. After a little more listening you recognized them as Kiriko and the other lady that had captured you. They sounded frantic.

"There's a Hashimito member in my house!" you barley heard Kiriko say.

"Okay well you're the one who decided to bring her here!" said the other voice.

"You said she was too dangerous to let go!"

"Yea but you brought her to your apartment!"

"Where else was I supposed to bring her?!" Kiriko said panicked. You heard the other lady say something that you couldn't quite make out. You heard the front door open and close, and assumed she left.

Kiriko opened the door to the room you were in and slightly jumped when she saw you looking right up at her.

"So.." she started "Who are you? I've been fighting the Hasimoto clan for years now and I've never seen you before." she asked whilst keeping her distance. You didn't say anything. Giving away any sort of information could be incredibly dangerous. She pulled out one of her Kunai and directed it at you, threatening to throw it if you didn't answer.

"You won't." you said keeping intense eye contact with her.

"How do you know." she said harshly, trying to sound intimidating.

"You help people, not hurt them." you sighed at her lame attempt to be scary. You saw a faint pink dust her cheeks before she lowered her Kunai.

"You team was pretty quick to ditch you." she said starting conversation again.

"I know.." you said clearly annoyed.

"You're pretty strong. Why are you working with them anyways? You could be doing better things." she said, to which you turned turned your head away. She was right. The Hashimito had created such a bad name it was kinda embarrassing to be with them. But you couldn't just abandon your father.

"Still not talking.." she said before she walking over to her closet and searching for something. Your eyes watched her the entire time until she pulled out some clothes and walked out the door.

When she came back she was dressed in pajamas. Now this was strange. She must've felt it too because the two of you awkwardly made eye contact when she came in. You looked her up and down which seemed to make her blush again.

"Well? This is still my house. It's getting late and I want to sleep." said and sat on her bed.

"What about me?" you asked.

"You're my prisoner. Obviously you sleep on the floor." she said cockily. You groaned which seemed to get a giggle out of her. She was really bad at keeping someone hostage. She turned off the lights and as soon as you were sure she fell asleep you escaped the ropes holding together your hands and feet. You slipped out of her room as quietly as you could. This Kiriko wasn't as bad as the men back home made her out to be. You might even find her presence.. entertaining?.. Enjoyable? Whatever it was you liked it. Back home you never had a chance to experience normal human interactions. Not that being kidnapped was normal, but she felt normal behind her tough heroin. Even though you had to leave now, apart of you wanted to see her again. So right before your leave you left a little note. Now time to go snitch to your dad...

Im VERY open to making a pt 3 if anyone wants. Ik this felt kinda rushed also not many romanticy things happened sooo. If I do make pt 3 tho it might take a little while. I feel bad enough this chapter released over 3 weeks later. Things were happening in my personal life tho and my depression has had me FUCKED up.. during the holidays too :C Also kinda in a Ashe tangent rn so.. maybe expect some of that? but also dont get ur hopes up too high lmao

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