Ch.10 Movies

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~Y/n pov~

Jinsung had invited me out to the cinema.

I thought it was quite strange as normally he would invite Mijin too or they would both go together.

The thought of us two going somewhere alone felt strange.

I wasn't used to being around Jinsung by himself as Mijin was normally around too.

He was stood outside waiting when I arrived.

"Hi. Did you already pick the movie?" I asked as I gazed at the pictures showing which movies were on display.

"I was waiting for you." Jinsung smiled nervously.

Why was he making that facial expression?

"I'm not sure. Anything is fine as long as it's not romance." I stated.

His face lit up with excitement as he chose the movie.

"Rocky's 17th sequel!"

"Okay." I went to go in, only to stare at the heavy door awkwardly, glancing down at my injured arms.

Although, my arms weren't too bad anymore as my cast was coming off in the afternoon.

My arms are basically healed but they'll still be weak and that door looks unnecessarily heavy.

Jinsung was quick to step in and open the door.

"Wait here." He told me when he entered, wondering off to get tickets.

What I didn't know was that he had already got them and he only went to get snacks.

He came back a few moments later with a big tub of popcorn, handing me my pair of glasses.

"Is it 3D?" I asked, surprised.

I don't normally watch movies in 3D.

We walked into the theatre and took our seats.

The room fell silent as the lights went out and that annoying voice started speaking in the darkness.

Jinsung had an excited expression as the movie started.

He must've been looking forward to this.

I snatched some of his popcorn as he watched the movie.

This movie is alright. But I feel like the series is way too dragged out.

I shifted and rested my head against Jinsung's shoulder as I stared blankly at the screen.

After a few moments, I felt him rest his head against mine.

The movie went on for what felt like forever.

I was so relieved when the credits started rolling.


As we left the cinema, Jinsung was still rambling on excitedly about the plot of the movie and his characters.

I was only half listening.

His happy expression was so cute.

He continued rambling as we sat down.

I just stared at him in a daze as his words started to disappear.

"Y/n! I'm glad to see you."

I snapped out of my trance to turned to look at the guy who called me.

"Who are you?" I asked bluntly.

It was true that I knew him but we'd never actually spoken a word before.

He was in my class when I went to a different school.

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