Ch.13 Death of Park Hyungsuk

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~Y/n pov~

Lately, Jiho had been spending all his time on his phone.

It seemed like he was messaging someone.

Hyungsuk seemed concerned for him but didn't really try and talk to him, even though I told him he should if he thinks something is wrong.

I sighed as I sat myself down in front of a computer at the cafe.

It wasn't too loud as most people were minding their own business.

Jinsung was sat beside me playing some game as I watched.

The peaceful atmosphere was interrupted by yelling.

It went silent for a second before a crashing noise was heard.

Jinsung muttered in annoyance before standing up and moving over to commotion.

"Fight quietly. You're disturbing me. And you too. Stop fighting your friends."

"Stop pretending you're my friend."

I looked up to see Jiho glaring at Jinsung with tears in his eyes.

"You think you're different than him? You drank, smoked and beat people up. And now you're acting high and mighty. Did you ever even think of me as your friend?"

Jinsung sighed, "I have no excuses but... you never thought of us as friends either, did you? Did you ever interact with us.. without calculating the benefits beforehand? If you're a friend... try to be more honest with yourself."

Jiho was silent.

"Let's talk outside. Come on, Y/n." Jinsung pulled me up from my seat and we all went outside.

Jiho handed me back my phone and showed us all the scams that had been made using his bank account.

"He's scamming people with your bank account?" Jinsung scowled, "Give me that bastard's number. I'll talk to him."

Jiho placed his head in his hands and looked down, "I don't have a phone anymore. I had to give it away."

"Where do you normally hang out?" I asked, "We'll probably be able to find him there."

Jiho nodded glumly and started leading the way.


We walked down some steps and entered a small room with a pool table.

The man wearing a yellow jacket looked up from the table as we entered, "Eh? Jiho's here."

(Jiho autocorrected to Hobo for some reason??)

"Who's that?" They asked as they saw Jinsung and I stood behind Jiho.

Jinsung glared at them and uppercutted the man closest to him.

"You shitface." Another yelled, running towards him.

Jinsung avoided the hit and punched him in the side of his jaw.

One ran towards me, seeing me as an easy target.

Big mistake.

He was on the ground in an instant.

The man in the yellow jacket looked unfazed by all the bodies on the ground, "Wow, you're really fucking good at fighting!"

"Give me his bank account." Jinsung countered, glaring at the man.

The man just laughed in response.

"Stop laughing. Don't you see the situation you're in?" I gestured to the beaten bodies on the ground.

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