SYIAW (II sorta)

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Basically what Patrick was going through
Also trohley and shameless andtrick teehee

Patrick enters Joe's house.


He hears muttering before shuffling. Andy opens the door a huge frown on his face. "Hi Patrick." he grumbles.

Patrick smiles. "Hey Andy! Can I come in?"

Andy steps aside and Patrick steps on by him.

Joe waddles in. "Heya trick." he grumbles.

Patrick side eyes the both of them.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Yeah I was about to get fucking laid." Joe complains.

Patrick rolls his eyes. "Well I'm gonna be here for a week so you better be fucking quiet."


It's been a few hours. If Patrick is being honest the quiet was nice but now it's sunk in.

He taps his foot impatiently like he's waiting for something. Or someone.

He's waiting for Pete.

He bites his lip hard.

"Shit." he whispers.


It's night now. Patrick is on the couch lying on his back uncomfortably. Pete hasn't even texted him yet. What I'd he doesn't love him anymore?

Tears begin to stream down Patrick's pale face. His voice shakes as he whimpers. He hears shuffling in the kitchen and immediately shuts up.

He can feel Andy's presence.

"Patrick, are you alright?"

Patrick tiredly opens an eye. "yeah." he mumbles out.

Andy sits on the couch beside him.

"I'm always here for you. "

Patrick smiles. "Thank you."


Patrick is tired. He's tired of not being with Pete. It's been days now. He's over it. He's over not being with his fucking husband. It was a dumb bet and it's fucking dumb.

His phone suddenly rings. It's Pete.


"Patrick, please come home. I can't. I can't fucking do this. I tried so hard. I need you. Please come home. Please. I'm sorry I tried. You were right I can't live without you. You mean so much to me. I don't know how I went through fucking three years without you but I can't do that. Never again. Please, come home. I'll do anything. Any chores just pleas-"

"Peter. Stop. I'll come home."


"Pete I don't care if you are hurting I'm going to come as fast as I can. You should have said something sooner. It was dumb thing. I'm coming right now."

"I'm sorry-"

"Pete don't apologize. I'll be right there."

"Thank you."

"I love you baby, so much."

"I love you too. Can we cuddle when you get home?"

"Course baby."

Patrick can hears Pete's voice become relaxed and he smiles. They hang up and Patrick runs to pack his stuff.

"Andy, Joe, I'm leaving!"

"Really?" Joe shrieks. Wet kissing noises can be heard and Patrick runs out of the house.


"Patrick!" Pete runs to the front door scooping Patrick up in his arms. He kisses him sloppily. Patrick laughs as Pete kisses his neck.

"Fuck I missed you so much. I'm never doing that again. Come on baby let's go to the bedroom so I can repay the four days we've missed together."

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