Anything You Say, Will Be Held Against You (So Only Say My Name)

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IOH era

The cell door slams shut as the strawberry blonde enters. Pete looks up, biting his lip as he does so.

"You're in big trouble, Wentz..." The cop says, looking down at Pete. "Drugs? Really? You don't seem like the type of guy to be doing that type of thing."

"Patrick Stump?"

"I'm asking the questions here, kid." Patrick snaps, eyeballing Pete.

"Yes, Sir." Pete grunts, leaning his back against the wall.

"So tell me, what exactly were you doing with drugs?"

Pete averts his eyes, staring at the floor. Silence sinks in and Patrick won't take it for an answer.

"Listen here." Patrick squats down to Pete's level. "You are going to tell me what you were doing here or you are not getting out of here. Do you understand?"

Pete snickers. "I'm not scared of you." He growls back.

Patrick laughs, before standing. "You will be."

"I'm gonna get my buddy to bail me outta here, you ain't ever gonna see me again, and I'm sure as hell never gonna see you again."

Patrick smirks. "That isn't how the real word works, kid-"

"You keep saying kid like I'm younger then you." Pete looks up at Patrick. "How old are you?"

"How about you answer my question before I answer any of yours."

Pete grunts. "Not in a million years."

"You stubborn, huh? I can make that change real quick..." Patrick growls.

"How? You gonna cuff me, officer? Tie me up?"

Patrick turns around, grabbing Pete by his shirt. "If you keep speaking, yes." He spits.

Pete breaths hitches as Patrick's face nears his. "Tell me, now."

"Make me." Pete breathes out, smirking.

Patrick's eyes go narrow, realizing the grin played upon Pete's lips. "This isn't some porno, Wentz." He grunts.

"You're right..." Pete smiles trailing off, "Usually the cop commands the orders'll be taking orders from me."

"Like hell I am." Patrick snarls, pushing Pete against the wall. Pete laughs, smiling at Patrick. "Patrick Martin Stumph, twenty two years old. Landed his position because his daddy is so wealthy, listen here, Stumph, I know you better than you know yourself and I know on the outside you act all tough but once I get inside you." Pete laughs, licking his lips.

"Once I get inside you, you're gonna regret ever crossing me."

"You want to bet..?" Patrick grunts, pressing Pete harder into the wall.

"Oh honey, I know I'm gonna get what I want." Pete smiles, grabbing Pete's wrist tightly. "It would be a shame if others found out about your daddy's little lies to get you here in the first place, huh?"

Patrick tightens his grip on Pete. "You wouldn't dare."

"I know your fathers lied about shit before, and I know other people know that too, you really want to test the waters just because you don't wanna be fucked?"

Patrick grunts. "You-"

"Let go, Patrick."

With little reluctance, Patrick lets go of Pete, letting him fall back on his feet. "Good boy." Pete smiles, sliding his index finger under Patrick's pale chin. "Now continue being obedient and hand me those handcuffs."

Patrick grabs the handcuffs from the side table, handing them to Pete with small eyes. "Good." Pete would breathe out. "Now take that uniform off, baby."

Patrick swallows thickly, undressing himself shamefully.

Pete smiles, watching Patrick's pale body being exposed. "God, aren't you a sight for sore eyes."

Pete pushes Patrick to one of the bars, handcuffing him there. "Bend over, slut." He barks, smacking Patrick's ass harshly. Patrick yelps but obeys.

"You an asshole." Patrick growls.

"Don't get lippy with me or I'll rearrange your guts and leave you handcuffed like the whore you are, now bend the fuck over."

Patrick obliges, whining softly. Pete undresses himself before taking his place behind Patrick.

"So fucking beautiful..." he mutters before sliding himself inside Patrick.

Patrick calls out, gripping the cell bars tightly.

Pete continues, ignoring Patrick's yelps. He bottoms out, waiting a bit before thrusting inside Patrick.

Patrick's pained curses turn into pleasured moans, and Pete smiles. "God, I know I called you a slut, but, fuck, didn't think you would live up to it."

"Sh-shut up." Patrick clenches his teeth, letting out a long gasp. Pete smiles, repeatedly hitting Patrick's prostate over and over again.

"For someone who thinks he's all that, you're quite easy to force into submission..." Pete says, hitting Patrick's hips with his, the sound of skin slapping loudly echoing throughout the cell.

"Wonder what else I could make you do for me..." Pete thinks out loud, speeding up his hips.

"Like you'll ever see me again..." Patrick growls.

Pete grabs his hair, pulling his head back. "God you feel so good, might have to hunt you down for another round." Pete bites sloppily at Patrick's neck, losing himself in the pleasure.

Patrick whimpers out, as Pete's hips slam into his, his cock hitting all the right spots. Pete smiles at Patrick's noises, digging his nails into Patrick's scalp.

"Pete, I'm gonna cum..." Patrick warns, moaning out,

"Not until I say so, officer." Pete grunts, slamming impossibly faster into Patrick.

Patrick calls out, his legs becoming wobbly. Pete inhales sharply, knowing he isn't going to last much longer. He reaches down, taking a hold of Patrick and jerking him off in quick succession.

Patrick yelps out, shaking his head slightly. "Pete, Pete please..." He whines.

Pete laughs. "You're so desperate. So needy. So fucking irresistible." He growls. "Cum for me, Stumph, cum like the little slut you are."

Patrick comes undone, gasping out loudly as he releases. Pete cums inside Patrick, thrusting through his orgasm.

Moments after, he pulls out, watching as Patrick falls, being held up by the handcuffs. Pete laughs. "How pathetic." He smirks, getting dressed.

"Oops, looks like I don't have the key, Stumph, I do have the key for the cell though. Take care, oh and, my friend set me up with those drugs, but you can explain that after you explain how good I can fuck."

With that, Pete leaves, leaves Patrick a mess on the cold cell floor, in shock, and desperation.

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