Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to My Sister:Tayler

Chapter 3

I ended up at the pack's border. I stop and take in the familiarity of the woods around me. Whenever I'm mad or upset I would come here in the middle of the night. Where no one could find me. Right now, I didn't want to be here. This place held the memories of me crying my heart out from losing my mother and many more things. I sit down right at the edge and stare at the beautiful place beyond.


The trees are greener and healthier; the sun shines through them brightening the whole forest up. Birds fly tree to tree; chasing each other around. Everything is beautiful, but mostly

It looks like freedom. The exact freedom I've been dying for since I was born.

I stand up and look right at the land I know so well, to the one I've barely stepped a foot. Before I know what I'm doing, I take a step.

Not even five steps into the new world, twigs snap. I jump startled. I rub it off, thinking it's just an animal. I take a couple more steps and soon more twigs snap. I know for a fact now, that it's not an animal. I look around and see flashes of running creatures.

"You shouldn't be out here, little girl." A voice says. The person steps forward and is only wearing shorts. He was drop dead gorgeous, but he wasn't alone. About ten more werewolves’ come out. All surrounding me, not even giving me the chance to have a free way to run if needed.

“Who are you?" I said stutter a little bit.

“Not important, little girl." I wanted to smack him for calling me little girl because I was certainly not a little girl. He takes a step towards me and I take a small step back.

He was very cute. He had brown hair, with hazel eyes. He looked like he was about 6'7 and had more muscle than any man I have ever known. He was unbelievably, drop dead, sexy.

“I am NOT little." I said through my clenched teeth. “What do you want?"


“Wh..." I couldn't finish my sentence before I blacked out.

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