Versus the X-Weapon - Part 2

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(Ryans POV)

Mom took us home and after I changed out of my now burned t-shirt into a different shirt, I walked into Marks room surprised to see him parking his trophies in boxes. 

"Oh. Hey, dude. What are you doing?" I asked. 

"This is my first "Most Handsome Player" trophy from baseball camp." He said. "I cannot risk breaking this. Why was that even an award."

"No I mean stop packing." I said. "We can't leave."

"Yes we can." Mom says coming into the room. "Your Aunt Glorias gonna put us up in Miami until we can find our own place."

"Oh no." Mark groaned. "Aunt Gloria makes me scrape off her dead skin. It everywhere. Like everywhere."

"Mom we can't leave. Bay City needs us." I said. 

"Ryan I'm doing this for you. You're just a teenager, you should be worrying about grade and your girlfriend." Mom said trying to convince us. "You shouldn't have the burden of saving the world on your shoulders."

"So we're just going to cut and run? Leave Bay City to be destroyed?" I asked. 

"No, Of course not. I'm going to do what I should have done in the fist place." Mom says. "Give me all the info you have on Harper and Traeger, I'm going to take it to the authorities. They're the ones who should be protecting the city, not you."

"Mom, I'm the only one-"

"That's enough Ryan!" Mom yelled sternly. "Start packing."

"No." I said. Mark had a worried look on his face while I walked away from the both of them, because he knows you don't say no to my mother. 

"What did you just say to me?" Mom asked turning around. 

"I said no." I said again. "I'm not gonna leave. I'll crash and Harris's or Spyder's or something."

"No! We're moving!" She snapped. "Because I said so!"

"I'm not scared of monsters, I'm not scared of you!" 

"Whoa, just take it down a notch bro." Mark said trying to keep me from saying something I would definitely regret.

"You have no idea what its like to be a parent." Mom says softly. "All I do is worry about you two. Are you healthy. Are you safe. Am I raising you right. And I'm proud of you two. The things you've done are amazing. But do you know what it was like to see you hanging in that harness? I thought you we're dead." I looked to Mark and we both had the same look on our face. "Do you know what that did to me. You two are the most important thing in my life. I can't risk lose you. And I can't let you risk your lives anymore." I looked back to Mark not knowing what to do. He gave the slightest head nod. I turned and reached into one of the boxes pulling out a flash drive, using my powers to put all of the information we know on it. 

"Here's everything we know on Traeger." I said handing the drive to her.

"I'm going to take this to the military." She says. "Promise me, you wont go back to that robot."

"I promise." I said after sharing another glance with my brother.


(Dakotas POV)

Harris, Spyder, Veracity, Leo, Harper and I were still at the robot. Veracity and I were sitting in the X-deck trying to talk about everything. 

"I don't know what I'm gonna do if they leave." I said. 

"With the monsters, or?" She asked.

"Yeah of course with the monsters but Ryan to." I answered. "I really just want all this to go away."

Stuck - Ryan Walker - (+SpyderxVeracity) Mech-X4 Season 2Where stories live. Discover now