Chapter 2: Who Am I?

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Back when I was only 2 months two mothers, one in the anime world and one in the real human world, had a 2 month old daughter. Those daughters had a very short life span and was expected to die at age 1. The mothers didn't want that, so the amine mother, who was actually the pink pearl mermaid princess, told the real human mother in her dream that both daughters will become one. Now you maybe asking yourself "What are you talking about? How do you 'combine' two girls together?" In the anime world mermaids can't live without their pearls. Since the pink mermaid princess baby was a red pearl mermaid princess and her father was a Panthalassa, her pearl was a red pearl with a Panthalassa sign on it. Both girls became one small little baby (me) and now I live with a human family the human world. It is almost my 14th birthday and my mermaid come-to-age ceremony, my only wish is to see my anime family again. The thing is that when you are a mermaid/phoenix/ancient/and human is that there are certain things that you can't do, can't touch, can't hear, can't sing. I can transform to these things very easily, but I can't do it in front of a human being! Damn it! So much rules to follow.

Rules of a mermaid:

• Can't tell a human that you love him or that you area mermaid

• If you "die" then a new princess has to replace you

• Sing to defeat enemies

• Songs are only given by Aqua Regina-sama

• Make promises to your pearl during your upcoming come-to-age ceremony

• NEVER EVER trust a water demon

Rules of being a phoenix (princess of the birds):

• In charge of ALL birds

• Transformation includes phoenix bird and a girl with red hair, indigo eyes, and phoenix wings

• Cry for every little sad thing in nature

Rules of an ancient:

• No feeling for songs what so ever

• Not allowed to feel love, just revenge and evilness

• Empress plays a golden violin

• Emperor plays a golden flute

So much rules. So much stress. So much pain.

Now you know more about me, I think it's time for you to know what is actually happening. In the human world, I cannot address my anime parents as "mom" and "dad". I must address them with their names. Domoto Nanami Luchia (堂本七海 るち) and Domoto Kaito (堂本 海斗). Same with my aunts, uncles, and my 1,000 year old twin. Anyway, in the human world I think I am getting used of the American ways, human girls like to watch movies that have to deal with death, love, and happy endings. To me that's like the movie The Hunger Games, which reminds me I had a dream on that.

The Melody of Love and Suffering  
愛と苦悩の旋律 Book 1-Mermaid PrincessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang