Authors Note

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ちょっと: hey (nee, chotto)
お父さん: dad, father (otōsan)
お母さん: mom, mother (okāsan)
叔母さん: aunt (obasan)
桜: cherry blossoms, main character (Sakura)
先生: teacher (sensei)
お願い致します: please (onegai, onegaiitashimasu)

If you haven't already. Please play the video and watch it. Most of the characters I made up are I the anime videos I post. The characters who are in the video is:
Erika: vampire (in the music videos)
Seira: orange pearl mermaid princess (in the music video Beautiful Wish)
Luchia: pink pearl mermaid princess (the 24 min Mermaid Melody)
Kaito: male surfer (the 24 min Mermaid Melody)
Mikeru: angel looking guy with long hair😊😊(don't judge he is actually kinda cute) (pictures)
Other characters: Hanon, Rina, Karen, Noel, Sara, Gaito (pictures)

The other characters I have made up and there descriptions:
Sakura (mermaid): long red hair and a red tail. Her eyes are red and indigo and she has problems with her heart. Speaks Japanese.
Sakura (real human): speaks English, long blackish brownish hair and eyes
Sakura (anime human): looks like Luchia but no bows and lighter hair color with an orange highlight. Next book will explain more.
Hikaru: picture coming up next book. Looks like the anime boy Shu from Guilty Crown. He takes surfing lessons with Kaito so technically makes him a surfer. He has a small crush on Sakura but a HUGE crush on a mermaid with wings: for now at least.
Hakura: one of Hanon's (blue mermaid princess) apprentices. She has long blue hair tied up in pigtails when she is an anime human. When she is a mermaid her tail is pale blue and her hair gets longer, darker, and no pigtails.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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The Melody of Love and Suffering  
愛と苦悩の旋律 Book 1-Mermaid PrincessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora