Chapter 5: An Unusual Feeling

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My first year in high school and I am the youngest fluent speaking Japanese freshman there is!! Sō coi! Darn it, 1 more hour until school starts. Hmm? Who's surfing at the beach? Why does he look familiar? I go down to the beach holding my bento. Oh my, the surfer is coming back on shore. He looks really cute and what is that necklace he's wearing? Oh my he is coming close to me. Umm... What now this is very weird. "Um... Ohayō. Are you going to school today?" He looks like my age but a little older.
"Are you asking me out?!" He says.
"WHAT! Um..umma..īe. Nothing like that!" Why would he ask that.
"Well hope you come to the surfing competition the weekend!" And he just left. RING!!! The home room bell just rang. OMG I am going to be late and I need to see my classes. I ran to the school and a whole crowd of people blocked me from seeing my name. Then he stood right behind me. "Hey, you are that person who saw me surf. What's your name?"
"Eto, watashi namewa Domoto Nanami Sakura."
"You have the same classes as me." I stood there. "Well come on, you don't want to be late for home room." He pulled my hand and ran with me to class. There was a girl right behind me with blue hair. I swear I heard her say my name. Oh well. School ended a minute ago. "Hey you are coming to the competition right?"
"Um... Maybe."
"Well hope you do." The blue hair girl came by me.
"Wow, Hikaru-san always ignores girls, but I guess he is really in to you. My name is Hōshō Haruka. But call me Haruka okay? Is it okay if I call you Suki??"
"Sure." So energetic for a student.
"So are you going to Hikaru's surfing contest?"
"Well I don't know. What is this feeling? And Hikaru'-sama sure is popular here. People keep on talking to him non-stop. "
"Well the feeling is that you like him. And he is very popular with girls, but he tends to play the hard to get game."

The Melody of Love and Suffering  
愛と苦悩の旋律 Book 1-Mermaid PrincessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang