Mine (Robins Version)

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𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕖-𝕋𝕒𝕪𝕝𝕠𝕣 𝕊𝕨𝕚𝕗𝕥

Tuesday November 11, 1977. That morning Robin had woken up with the goal of finding the perfect gift for Finn. His birthday was that Saturday and he was planning on Hoover to the Blake's house to celebrate. Finn never really had big parties or anything close to that for his birthday, just a few family members, his sister, and of course Robin himself. It was no different this year. The biggest thing about this year besides Finn turning 16 was that they were together, in love.

Robin sat in his bed as his eyes adjust to the light coming in from the window. The sky was gray with pits of the sun poking through the clouds. His hair was just as messy as his room, strands tangled on the right side of his face were he laid his head and parts falling on the left.

He had gotten up from his small bed and changed from his old worn at shirt into a nicer, slightly less worn shirt and a pair of blue jeans. He brushed out his hair and pulled it out of his face, holding it in place with his bandanna. He made sure to grab his backpack from the corner his room then slipped on his converse. Before leaving the house he put in a sweater.

Robin didn't own a bike so he had to travel to his destination on foot which took forever. The shop was about 10 blocks from his house. The only thing keeping Robin from Turing around and going home was the thought of Finn seeing his gift. He knew Finn would absolutely love it. Along the way to keep himself distracted from the endless walk, he did everything from counting the trees to kicking pebbles like a soccer ball.

After what felt like an eternity he finally made it to the photo shop. He walked up the the woman working the counter and handed her the film he kept in he bag. She took it to the back then told him the price. He gave her the money then started his walk back home.


Friday November 14, 1977. Robin had gotten the photos back and quickly shorted through them looking for the one he wanted. When selected he put it into a frame he had previously gotten from the thrift store that looked like it was from the previous decade. It was a light green that complemented the photo inside of it. He wrapped it up with tissue paper and stuffed it into his bag then left for Finn's house.

Robin stepped up to the door and knocked. It was Gwen who had answered the door. She left him in before closing the door behind him. In the living room it was just Finn and his dad. The older man assumed to be sober but it was barely six and he had just gotten home from work. "Hey" Finn said standing up and going over to the other boy. He took him in his arms and hugged him. "Happy birthday blanco" Robin said.

They took a seat together on the couch side by side. Gwen was on Finn's side and their father was on the arm chair. An hour had past of them watching tv . They waited for their uncle to come, but the only thing they got was a phone call explaining they couldn't make it. So it was only the people that he lived with who came. Finn was obviously upset about the lack of people. He excused himself, saying he was going to the bathroom, then hurried off to his room.

Robin followed. He walked into the small room and found the blond boy sitting on his bed. He looked up and wiped away the tears from his red eyes. He may have been close to adulthood, but he felt more like a child if anything.

"Hey" Robin spoke breaking the suffocating silence.

"Hey" his voice was timid. The other boy walked over to Finn's bed. He knelt down in front of Finn, placing his arms on his spread knees. He reached his hands and laid them on Finn's cheeks.

"Don't be sad" he said wiping a droplet away with his thumb. It killed Robin to see Finn upset,  it killed him even more knowing he couldn't do anything about it.

"It just feels like no one cares about me yaknow...like   I'm not important enough for my own family to come over." His statement allowed more tears to flow.

"You're important to me" Robin said. His words laid deep inside of Finn. He gazed into the other boys eyes.  The long haired boy kissed the blinds hand, then up his arm until at his lips. He stood up and pushed him onto the bed, falling with him. He kissed him until the tears stopped.

"I got you something" he said he their lips parted. "I told you not to" Finn told him. He propped himself up on the bed with his arms. Robin dig through the brown bag to retrieve the gift. "Close your eyes" Finn did as told. Robin sat opposite to Finn. They now sat cris cross facing each other. "Open"

His eyes fluttered open as he starred down at the gift. He took it in his hands and carful pulled back the paper to reveal the photo. A wide smile spread across his face as he looked at the photo of the two of them.

"You remember this" Finn asked. He looked back at Robin who was quite. "How could I forget?" The photo was from a day where they went to Sloan Lake over the summer, the two boys were sitting on a fallen log near the lake with robins head on Finn's shoulder as the sun set in front of them. "It was the day I knew I liked you" robin said.


Saturday November 15, 1977. Robin had left already and Finn was alone in his room. He was deciding were to keep the picture Robin gave him when he saw that the photo was crooked in the frame. Little things like that bother Finn so he took the back off to center the picture. As he looked at the white back he had saw robins messy had writing 'You are the best thing that's ever been mine' starred back at him. Finn smiled as he put the centered picture on he dresser near his bed. He was thankful Robin knew about the little things Finn was bothered by.

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