if anyone falls in love, it will be one of us

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𝕀𝕗 𝔸𝕟𝕪𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝔽𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕤-𝕊𝕥𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕖 ℕ𝕚𝕔𝕜𝕤

Friday, December 18, 1977. It was a cold, Denver day like any other. Thank god that it was last day before three weeks of nothing. Nothing but being alone with robin. Finn was excited when he woke that morning. Mostly because when he looked out the window he saw small pieces of snow falling from the sky. He jumped out of the warmth of his bed and immediately put his warm clothes on, and his pajamas cause he couldn't be bothered to take them off. It was cold and he needed all the layers he could get.


Later that day at school he saw Robin in the halls. He was waiting for him by Finn's locker.

"Hey" robins said while he leaned in the locker.

"Hi" Finn replied.

"You doing anything later? Cause I was thinking we could go see a movie or something" Robin asked. When he looked up from the ground, he saw Finn's cheeks were rosey and red.

"Well what were you thinking?" He asked with the wide smile plastered on his face.

Robin glanced at Finn again, then back to the ground "I know it's not your type, but the theater off of maple is showing Black Christmas tonight, and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" He said.

"Didn't we just watch that?" Finn asked.

"I mean yeah, but like...think of it as a date." Robins voice was soft and quiet as he said the second part. He was hoping that he could take Finn the the movie so they could be together in a dark room where no one could see.

"I don't know, I'm not that good with horror." He always doubted himself. Plus he didn't want Robin to buy tickets, just for him to be a wimp and need to leave.

Robin got close to Finn, near his ear. He spoke in a low, quite tone. "I'll hold your hand the whole time" he replied. "And if you get really sacred, I'll kiss you." Finn's face became reder then before.

"How are you gonna get tickets?" Finn asked, his voice still bashful from before.

"My cousin is gonna get us tickets, but she's not gonna stay. She just gonna pay for two tickets and give the second one to you." He explained.

"But it's r" Finn's stated "how are we gonna get in without her?"

"We don't look that young" he said "they won't know"

"I mean I guess so" he finally agreed "but you're gonna stay the night after."

Robin was excited to say the least. His eyes lit up and his cheeks blushed.


When the bell rang, Finn and Robin met outside the gates. The snow hadn't stopped so walking home was like going through hell frozen over. As soon as they got into Finn's house from the windy snow their bodies warmed up.

"I can't feel my fingers." Robin half joked as he took his jacket off. They were so cold that his tan skin turned red.

"Jesus, you need a blanket?!" Finn exclaimed when he saw the boy. He was shivering violently and cold to the touch. "Come on let's go in my room"

Robin was first to get under the blankets as soon as he changed out of his denim jeans. Finn soon accompanied him and wrapped his warm arms around the freezing boy.

"You're so cold" Finn muttered. He was met by robins soft breaths as he had fallen asleep. It haven't even been 30 minutes since school got out. Jesus. Finn would fall asleep not long after Robin. His body had warmed up during slumber.


Finn was first to wake up from the nap. He looked at the small clock next to the bed as the numbers 5:36 flashed back at him. His gaze shifted to the sleeping Robin next to him. His breaths where heavy as he was deeper in sleep then before. He couldn't help but admire how peaceful he looked. His arms were still around the sleeping boy, their hands entangled.

Finn liked watching Robin sleep. Not in a weird obsessive way, but more in a loving way. He liked watching his chest rise and drop with ever soft snore. He went silent when he heard a soft groan enrage from the boy in front of him. His eyes fluttered open as he shifted to his side. His brown doe eyes looked straight towards Finn.



Finn took Robins cold hand in his. He twisted their fingers together as a slight smile emerged on his face.

"What time does the movie start?" Finn asked. He brushed some hair away from robins face.

The other boy looked at the clock, then jumped up from his sleeping position. "I'm an hour" he said.

"What time does your cousin get here?" Finn asked.

"30 minutes"

"Shit" Finn echoed.

They both scattered around the room to put on any piece of warm clothing before they had to leave. Finn put on his favorite blue sweater and gave Robin a new jacket that wasn't wet from the previous snow.


They walked to robins house to wait for his cousin to arrive. They walked close to try to make any kind of warmth, which was good because they were able to hold each others hand for a little bit. When they arrived to Finn's house they sat in the front room to wait hot his cousin Maria.

She eventually pulled up into the drive way then came into the house to greet her aunt and uncle. They left soon after.

"This is my friend, Finn" Robin introduced. Maria was just a bit older then them, newly 18.

"Hey" she said. Her voice sounded like I higher pitched Mrs. Arellano.

When they arrived to the theater she parked the car near the front as she would be leaving. "Stay in here" she said to Finn. He watched as she and Robin stepped out the car and went to the widow. They had gotten the two tickets, then Robin walked into the building. Maria came back to the car and handed Finn the ticket "have fun" she said as he stepped out.

He met Robin inside the warm building, the smell of popcorn filling the room. They walked up to the man in front of the door and handed him the tickets. He didn't seem to catch the nervousness on Finn's face as he told them which theater to go into.

The two of them walked away joyfully successfully getting away with it.

"Oh my god I didn't think that would work" Robin exhaled a deep breath as he said it.

"Jesus I thought you said you weren't nervous" Finn stated.

"I said it, not meant" he said.

"My god" Finn muttered.

They entered the dark theater which appeared to be empty despite the movie starting soon. There was some people scattered amongst themselves, but there was many empty rows. The boys took a seat in the back corner of the theater.

"Can I tell you something?" Robin asked Turing to face Finn.

"Yeah" he replied.

"I love you" he said, his voice soft and quite. He looked around to see if anyone was faced towards them. When he saw no one was, he turned back to Finn, and kissed his lips just as soft as his voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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