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𝕊𝕡𝕖𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕝𝕖𝕤𝕤-𝕃𝕒𝕕𝕪 𝔾𝕒𝕘𝕒

That night Finn couldn't sleep. His mind racing, longing for Robin. The taste of the cigarette still in his mouth only intensified the the longing. They hadn't had their nightly call where they talk late at night, or until their parents tell them to get off the phone, and say goodnight. He knew the Robin wasn't going to be waiting outside for him in the morning. And he knew he wasn't going to be waiting outside Finn's classroom after every period to walk him to class. He knew he was alone.

But how could Robin just be so rude about? And how could he say those things to him? He couldn't believe it. He just wanted to cry, and cry he did. Finn's always been called a crybaby, he knew why, he cried after any minor inconvenience. His eyes leaked and face dampened.


The morning was worse. He didn't want to get out of bed. He felt like one of those kids with tuberculosis in the 20s, bed bound and sick. The sun was covered and he woke up in with a chill. Gwen barged through the door signaling for him to awake.

"Jesus why do you always sleep in" she said annoyingly. Finn jumped up from his bed and she slammed the door behind her.

Finn sat in his bed eyes slightly puffy from last night. He had gotten up to change into his clothes for school: a green sleeved shirt with a burnt orange corduroy jacket, his pants where flared light wash denim, and finished it off with his pair of converse. He didn't bother to comb his hair so he just left it.


Throughout the day he was miserable. It was like Halloween all over again. He wasn't paying attention in any of his classes which was uncharacteristic for him since he was found of school. The biggest challenge of the day was lunch. He was always with Robin during break so to be alone was a major shift. Unlike Robin who had no trouble talking to anyone and everybody, Finn wasn't blessed being social. Every time he had the courage to talk to somebody he would turn into a mumbling mess. It also didn't help that practically no one wanted to be seen with the boy due to the rumors about him. No one wanted to be friends with a queer.

When lunch was over he want to English, his class with the boy. He sat at his desk waiting for his table parter to join as he saw Robin walk in. He was effortlessly beautiful to Finn. His eyes traveled to the boy and examined him closely. He saw as his hair moved along with him as he walked. He was wearing on of his band shirts along with fitted jeans that were a bit to long for him and a sand colored jacket. He had made eye contact with Finn. Their gaze lasted a moment before he looked away and sat at his table, turning away from the boy in the back.

Donna had come into the class behind the boy. She was what the other boys would call beautiful, but had no appeal to Finn for obvious reasons. She sat beside the boy and started a one way conversation. Finn mostly responded to her with nods or simple yeah's. He was distracted by his past lover.

"Finn" she said wanting his attention. He quickly turned his head to meet her eyes.

"Yeah" he responded once more. His face confused.

"So you know how the dance is in two weeks?" She asked. He nodded his head, his curls bouncing as he did so. "I was gonna ask if you...maybe wanted" she looked lifted her head and look him in the eye. He averted his gaze to somewhere else for he knew what was coming. "I wanted to know if you wanted to go with me?"

"I...um...I" I stuttered. He looked over to Robin who was just in ear shot, no doubt listening to the conversation. "Yeah, I'll go with you" Finn replied. Not even a second later Robin got up from his set and dropped a piece of paper of Finn's desk. He told Mr. Anderson, their teacher. He was going to the bathroom and left the class.

Finn opened up the crumpled up paper with Robins handwriting

Finn opened up the crumpled up paper with Robins handwriting

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He crumbled the paper back up and raised his hand.

"Finn?" Mr. Anderson called.

"May I use the restroom?" He asked. The man nodded his head and Finn stood up and walked out.


He opened the door to the bathroom and saw Robin leaning on the sink, his back to the mirror. He lifted his head up to reveal the doe eyes Finn loved. "Hey" he said.

The door closed behind Finn. He stood at the frame and looked at him. "Hey"

"Your going to the dance with Donna?" Robin asked taking his hands off the white porcelain surface.

"Why do you care?" Finn said. Walking to the urinal and unzipping his jeans.

"I don't, I just thought that you liked me enough to not care about one argument" he said leaning on the stall behind the Finn.

"And I thought I meant something to you till you called me a fag" Finn turned his head back to look at him as he said it.

"You said it too! Don't act like im the only one that said it!" Robin yelled. Finn turned away looking back at the wall. He zipped his pants back up and walked over to the sink, turning on the water. "I'm sorry ok, I didn't mean it" Robin walked over to Finn, wrapping his arms around his waist from behind. He nuzzled his chin into Finn's neck and look at the both of them in the mirror.

"Then why did you say it" Finn's words were said softly but fell deep into Robin mind. He loosened his grip on Finn's waist and took a step back.

"I don't know" he said looking down shamefully "I just wish I didn't"

Finn looked at Robin. He knew that Robin meant what he was saying. He knew that he was deeply sorry, and he wanted to just hold him in a tight embrace and kiss him forever, but he couldn't. He wouldn't let himself. The more he looked at Robin the more the boys eyes watered. He wasn't hysterical or anything, his eyes just glossy. It was the first time he had ever seen Robin really upset like that. The only other time was that night he first kissed him. He couldn't stand to see him like that anymore.

"I'll see you around" he said before leaving the bathroom. Robin never came back to class. Instead stay in the bathroom so no one would see him in this state. He was supposed to be the tough guy, not some kind of pussy that cried all the time. But he was. Ever since he kissed Finn he'd started to really show his emotions. As if Finn made him feel like a real person.

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