Episode 408 (01/01/23)

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Scarlett: Previously On Redbye:
They go up to the front of the hall, Ross takes of his shirt & gets on the floor.
Florence: Satan, we bring you our monthly sacrifice of blood to you, our hellish father.
Lorna: Satan?
Florence carves a symbol in Ross's back, she collects the blood in a chalice.
Florence passes the chalice of blood around, people begin to drink from it, Lorna screams.
Maddie: No! Leave me alone!
He throws a substance in her face, she screams & falls.
Nana empties the bottle & puts the last sleeping pill in her mouth, she swallows it with a mouthful of water.
Nana: It's over. It's finally over.
Sarah bursts in, Nana's eyes begin to close.
Sarah: Mum! Mum!
Lee: Sarah.
Sarah: No! No!
Crowd: 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! Happy New Year!!
In the Taylor's:
Sarah gets by Nana's side, she holds her hand.
Nana: Listen love, you do well in life ok? You marry Hu, have another baby if it makes you happy, but just don't let me leaving you all get you down ok?
Sarah cries.
Sarah: Ok.
Nana: & Lee?
Lee: Yes mum?
He cries.
Nana: You look after this family ok?
Lee: Ok.
Nana: I love you my angels.
A tear falls from her eye as she slips away, Sarah feels her pulse.
Sarah: She's gone.
Lee: I'll call an ambulance.
Sarah: Ok.
He takes his phone out.
Lee: Yeah?
Sarah: Did you help her?
Lee: Yeah.
Sarah: You idiot, If they look into this as a suspicious death! You'll be arrested!
In the village:
Ash: Maddie! It's ok! Just listen to me alright!
Mellisa helps Maddie in the ambulance.
Mellisa: They're acid burns.
Ash: Acid?! Jesus Christ!
Naomi: Any idea who did this?
Ash: Who do you think Naomi?
Naomi: Could be anybody.
Ash: The culprit is so obvious! LUCA you idiot!
Florence: Lorna!
Lorna: Leave me alone!
Florence: I can't! I won't!
She grabs her arm.
Lorna: Let go of me!
Florence: I realise now, I shouldn't have shoved you into the deep end like that.
Lorna: You were praying to Satan! I-I mean what the f-
Florence: Lorna, I have been asked to give Satan his monthly dose of human blood & we will eventually let Satan feed of off one of us.
Lorna looks at her & laughs.
Lorna: Piss off.
Lorna tries to walk away.
Florence: I'll kill you.
Lorna turns around.
Lorna: What?
Florence: If you tell anyone what you saw, I mean it I WILL kill you.
Lorna gulps.
In the ambulance:
Maddie: My face!
She screams.
Mellisa: It's ok darling, we're gonna get you sorted out ok?
Maddie: It hurts!
Zombie by The Cranberries plays.
She screams again.
In the Taylor's:
Sarah bites her lip as Chloe performs CPR.
Lee: Please.
Chloe looks at her watch.
Chloe: Time of death, 1:04AM on the 1st January 2023.
Sarah looks down.
-I'm sorry, but um she's g-gone.
Sarah: Oh god.
She cries.
In the village:
Callum answers his phone.
Callum: Hello?
Slight pause.
-Oh god. Oh Jesus.
ZaZa: Cal?
Callum: Nana's dead.
ZaZa cries.
In the Scarlett Red Tavern:
Manny answers his phone.
Manny: You alright Lee?
Slight pause.
-Ok. I-I'll tell them.
Carla: Dad?
Manny: Nana's passed.
Sean: Oh.
Blair hugs him.
Tina sits down, Clara comes in.
Clara: What's up?
Tina: Has someone died?
Manny looks at her.
He nods.
She cries.
In Cornwall:
Freddie answers his phone.
Freddie: Lee?
Celine: Uncle Lee?
Freddie: Right, I'll tell her. Thank you, I'm so sorry for your loss.
Celine: What is it? Freddie what is it? Freddie!
He puts the phone down.
Freddie: Nana, she's passed away.
Celine: Oh!
She falls & cries, Freddie hugs her.
-No. no!
She cries.
-No! S-sh-she can't be dead! S-she can't! I never got to say goodbye.
He hugs her.
Freddie: I know, I know.
She cries harder.
In the village:
A man walks up to a newspaper stand & picks it up.
Archer: Hospital killer still on loose. Hmph.
He throws the newspaper down.
-We'll see about that.

End of episode.

CHARACTERS (in order of appearance)
Sarah Taylor
Nana Taylor
Lee Taylor
Ash Holloway
Naomi Groves
Mellisa Pond
Maddie Morahan
Florence Garvey
Lorna Wilson
Chloe Rainer
Callum Musgrave
ZaZa Taylor
Manny Taylor
Carla Taylor
Sean Taylor
Blair Watkins
Clara Taylor
Tina Taylor
Freddie Crimson
Celine Crimson
Archer Jackson

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