Episode 511 (15/06/23) part two

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Scarlett: Previously On Redbye:
Bananaboat: We're going to get you out tonight.
Rebecca: But until then you have to stay in here, I know it's a scorcher outside but we can't risk Rob finding you & Toyah.
Madison: Where are we gonna go?
Rebecca: We took the liberty of booking you onto a ferry to the Isle of Man, my friend there, she runs a b&b & she said she can put you up for a while until you move on, it's a pretty remote island, so Rob will have a hard time finding you.
Madison: Thank you for everything.
Rebecca: No worries, I was only helping someone in need.
Madison: I'm finally going to be free.
She smiles.
Celine: Layla!
Layla: What?
Celine: I just wanted to come by & say that I am sorry for what that man did to you.
Layla: Whatever.
Celine: I'm being genuine.
Layla: Nothing with you is genuine, Celine.
Celine: Honestly. Why do I bother?
Layla drops her bag, Celine walks away, Adrian walks by, he sees the gun fall out of her bag, she quickly puts it back in.
Adrian: Oi!
Layla: Stay away!
Adrian: You've got a gun on you. You tell the truth or I go to the police about that gun.
Harper cries as she enters the train station, she texts Adrian - 'I've left. Don't try to find me'.
In the Nolan's:
Noreen: Did she get off ok?
Rebecca: Yeah.
Madison: I'll admit it's quiet without Harper.
They laugh.
Rebecca: Just enjoy it whilst it lasts.
They laugh.
Toyah: When are we going mummy?
Madison: Soon, love.
Toyah: Why isn't daddy coming?
Madison: Because he can't.
Toyah: Why?
Rebecca: Toyah.
Toyah: What?
Rebecca: Your daddy isn't very kind to your mummy, he hurts her, you don't him to do that do you?
Toyah: No.
Rebecca: But your daddy thinks that it's ok to hurt mummy, So your mummy is choosing to get you both away from him because she doesn't like it when he hurts her, ok?
Toyah: Ok.
Madison: (mouthing) Thank you.
In the village:
Adrian: Go on. Up you go.
Layla stands on the high wall,
Layla: If I could have your attention! A few days ago I claimed that Adrian Conway raped me, those claims are false, I made them up because I was annoyed with myself that I slept with with a man who was in a relationship with another woman. I'm sorry to all those who gave me sympathy & as a way of showing my sympathy for what I did, I will be donating £250 to a charity that helps woman who have been through sexual abuse.
She gets down.
Bronson: You bitch.
Kelley: Your disgusting you.
Michelle: Your a vile excuse of a human being.
Donna: Go to hell.
Tim: You should be ashamed of yourself.
Rita shakes her head at Layla.
Dane: Your scum.
Zoe: It's people like you who are the reason why no one believes us.
Ewa: You should be ashamed of yourself.
Maxine: How could you lie about something like this?
Maxine slaps her.
Adrian: Max!
Maxine: She has no idea what it's like to be a rape victim! I was raped roughly over 3 years ago, the months that I had to deal with it were some of the worst months of my life, do you have any idea idea how damaging fake allegations are let alone how offensive it is to those who have been spiked! Those who were too drunk to say no so their attacker thought it was some kind of free pass! Those who were attacked on their way home from work, from school from a night out or even just a trip to the local offie for a pint of milk! You deserve to rot in hell you lowlife scumbag bitch.
Layla walks away.

End of episode.

CHARACTERS (in order of appearance)
Noreen Nolan
Rebecca Nolan
Madison Foster
Toyah Foster
Adrian Conway
Layla Longhurst
Bronson Allan
Kelley Allan
Michelle Allan
Donna Ward
Tim Ward
Rita Sutcliffe
Dane Harris
Zoe Harris
Ewa Kaczmarek
Maxine Waters

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