Episode 549 (26/07/23)

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Scarlett: Previously On Redbye:
Jaxx: My ankle. I think I've fractured it.
Eve: Let's get you to A&E.
Jaxx: Thank you.
Osian: No offence, El, but I don't care anymore.
Eliza: What? Why?
Osian: Jada's taken hold of her, there's no return for her now. She's gone, she's just one of those empty carcasses that spend 24 hours a day on livestreams starting arguments & begging for money.
Mandy: Why didn't you say no?! Stand up for yourself?!
Lee: Because I couldn't! I-I didn't need to stand up for myself, Mandy! There was no fight! There was no violence! I-it's what she wanted & I gave it to her.
She looks down.
Mandy: What about Lauren?
Lee: She's got a court date in September, apparently there was enough evidence to lock her up & give her a date for court immediately.
Mandy: How long are you looking at here? I-if you do get found guilty?
Lee: Life.
In the student flat:
Gwen comes in with Jada.
Gwen: Hey!
Osian: What the hell is she doing here?
Jada: So guys! We are in Gwen's place now, here's Osian! Her brother!
Osian takes her phone.
Eliza comes in.
Eliza: Nice of you to show up.
Gwen: What?
Eliza: You've been gone without a trace for days.
Gwen: &?
Jada: Give me my phone back! Or else!
Osian: Or else what?
Jada: I-I-
Osian: Oh yeah, you won't do jack because you are full of it.
Eliza: Osian...
Osian: I want you to leave.
Gwen: What?
Osian: Go back to Cardiff, go back to mum & dad - or don't. I don't care. I thought that once upon a time there was hope for you, but I was wrong, I know it now, because I see it. There's no hope for people like you.
He gives Jada her phone.
-Leave. Both of you.
Jada: What an awful brother. You know you have 1K people watching you disown your sister.
Osian: I think you have me mistaken for someone who actually cares.
Gwen: I hate you.
They storm out.
Osian: Christ.
Eliza: You ok?
Osian: No.
Eliza: You had the right to say what you said.
Osian: You think?
Eliza: Yeah.
Osian: I don't think I can do this.
Eliza: What'd you mean?
Osian: I'm gonna go back to Cardiff, I need to be with the un-fractured part of my family.
Eliza: If your sure.
Osian: I am.
In the hospital:
Alicia: Hi, Jaxx.
Eve: Is she ok?
Alicia: Yes, um, but there's something we have found on the x-ray.
Jaxx: W-what are you talking about?!
Alicia: It's nothing bad, well, depends on what your interpretation on it is.
Jaxx: Will you just spit it out for gods sake!
Alicia: You're pregnant.
Jaxx: What?!
Alicia: 16 weeks.
Jaxx: Oh my god.
In the prison:
Owen: 31st December 2022 at 11:58AM, where were you?
Lee: With my mum, by her side.
Owen: Was anyone else there?
Lee: No, just me & my mother.
Owen: & what was your intentions?
Lee: To see in the new year.
Owen: You see, Mr Taylor, I don't believe you.
Lee: Then that's down to you isn't it?
Owen: I'm gonna ask you this Lee & I want you to answer me with the truth & nothing but the truth.
Lee: Everything I have given you is the truth!
Owen: Did you or did you not kill Joanie T-
Lee: She wanted my help!
Owen: Did you kill her?!
Lee: No! I just gave her the pills! I-it wasn't murder!
Owen: So you admit you did it?!
Lee tears up.
Lee: I-
Owen: DID YOU?!
Lee: YES!
He cries.

CHARACTERS (in order of appearance)
Gwen Baker
Osian Baker
Jada Lennox
Eliza Padbury
Alicia Dickens
Eve Jacobs
Jaxx Drake
Owen Cohen
Lee Taylor

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