Episode 495 (11/05/23)

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Scarlett: Previously On Redbye:
Celine: When we first started talking, I had the feeling that you'd be an important part of my life, turns out I was only partially right, you're not just an important part of my life, your the most important part of my life.
She pulls him up, he falls on top of her, the train rushes past them as they kiss.
Archer gets into his van, Chloe opens the other door & gets in, he starts up the van, Amy is on the phone.
They turn around to see Miranda on the floor.
Paramedic: I'm going to have to preform CPR on her.
The man preforms CPR, but Miranda doesn't respond.
Jaxx: No!
Paramedic: I'm sorry, she's not responding, Time of death, 12:29
Jessica: No!
Jessica cries & Taylor holds her whilst Jaxx stands over Miranda.
Still Alive by Demi Lovato plays.
Eve places a cup of tea in front & Jessica & puts her hand on the shoulder.
Jaxx stands by Miranda's grave, Rita & Barry cry next to her.
Archer pulls up.
Archer: Today. We end this.
Chloe gets out of the van.
Celine & Freddie enter the hospital, Lindsay is behind them.
Clara's eyes open.
In the Jacobs':
Eve: You ok?
Jessica: She was fine, mum, she was having the time of her life on that dance floor, we were all smiling & laughing & then it all led to her being buried, 3 days later.
Eve: I can't imagine what your going through, darling.
Jessica: Neither can I, it's not fair.
She cries.
-My friend is dead!
In the graveyard:
Rita: Thank you for coming with us, love.
Jaxx: It's ok, Mr & Mrs Sutcliffe, Miranda was close to me.
Rita: I want to thank you for trying to ween her off the drugs, I know you tried, heaven knows I witnessed her withdrawal symptoms, I know in the end it didn't help, but thank you.
Jaxx: It's ok.
Barry: Are you going back home?
Jaxx: Yeah, I'm gonna have a nap, I'm still not over the last few days.
Rita: I understand the fact that we hurried her so soon was rather unusual?
Jaxx smiles.
Jaxx: Just a bit.
Rita: It's an old family tradition of ours, once of us dies, we are to be buried within a week of passing.
Jaxx: I see.
Barry: We'll give you a lift back, if that's ok?
Jaxx: Sure, thank you.
In the hospital:
Sarah: Nurse!
Clara: Mum?
Androulla runs in.
Androulla: Clara, your back with us, lovely.
Clara: What happened?
Andoulla: You overdosed on drugs that were laced with fentanyl, which caused you to slip into a coma & now that you're awake, we're glad to see that you're thankfully in tip-top shape.
Clara: That's good.
Sarah slaps her hand.
Sarah: Me & you are having words, young lady, drugs? Seriously?
In the village:
Alicia: You ok?
Lana: Yeah, just still not over the last few weeks.
Alicia: Same.
Lana: Anyway, I'll see you later?
In an alleyway:
Chloe hides, she inhales & screams.
Chloe: Ah!
She looks down to see her waters have broken.
-Oh fu-
Lana finds her.
Lana: Chloe.
Chloe: Help me. Please help me.
In the hospital:
Celine: Hi, we rung about possible therapy sessions?
Freddie: No, sorry, I wanna admit myself to the mental health unit.
Receptionist: I see.
Celine: Freddie.
Freddie: Celine, I'm sorry, but I have to do this, if I don't do it now, I might end up actually taking my own life in the end.
Mellisa: Freddie, if you'd like to come with me.
He nods & walks away, Celine stands next to Lindsay & waves to him.
Celine: I love you.
He smiles.
-8 million smiles on this planet & his is my favourite.
In the alleyway:
Lana: I'm calling the police.
Chloe: You can't, please, it's Archer, if I get caught, he'll kill Scarlett & Amy, I need you to help me deliver my baby.

End of episode.

CHARACTERS (in order of appearance)
Eve Jacobs
Jessica Jacobs
Jaxx Drake
Rita Sutcliffe
Barry Sutcliffe
Archer Jackson
Chloe Rainer
Celine Taylor
Freddie Crimson
Lindsay Sykes
Clara Taylor
Sarah Taylor
Androulla Samaras
Alicia Dickens
Lana Rainer
Mellisa Pond

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