Episode 569 (21/09/23)

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Scarlett: Previously On Redbye:
Androulla: The test results show that the cancer is spreading & that the more aggressive chemotherapy isn't working.
Charlie: Meaning?
Androulla: That you will have to go under a stem cell transplant.
Charlie: h.
Androulla: & this transplant... it's your final chance, Charlie.
Charlie: So if I don't get this transplant... I'm gonna die?
Carla: You're huge amount of sympathy really shows how much you care.
Rhys: I do care! Carla, I have been in here for three years, still got another five to carry out.
Carla: Another five years that Krystal doesn't have a father. You know that your a complete idiot don't you?
Rhys: I know & I get that but I deserve a second chance!
She tears up.
Carla: Do you?! You killed my mother!
She gets up.
-YOU killed her! Do you know how much that damaged me?! I had to give birth & bled out trapped in a classroom whilst armed gunmen attacked our school! I was sectioned for months! You ruined my life! I-I wish I'd never laid eyes on you. I-I wish I never met you.
She goes to leave, she turns around.
-No... no... even better, I wish you never existed.
She walks away.
In the prison:
Carla storms down a corridor.
Guard: You ok, love?
Carla: Do I look ok to you?!
June: Oh my god! I do not believe it!
Carla: June.
June: Alright, Carla? It's nice to see you! I'm visiting Rhys, once I'm done do you go for a coffee or summat?
Carla: Ok, yeah. I'd like that.
June: Great.
She walks inside.
In the village:
A woman gets off the bus, she bumps into Loretta.
Loretta: Ow!
Birdie: Sorry love! I really need the bog! Been holding in the apple juice since I got served on the Ryanair flight from Shannon! Nightmare so it is! Gotta dash! My legs & Christmas puddings are chaffing!
She runs.
Loretta: Some people... no shame at all.
Birdie: You!
Al: Me?
Birdie: You're the only person in front of me!
Al: Right.
Birdie: I need to syphon the python!
Al: What?
Birdie: Take a slash!
Al shakes his head.
Al: Nope.
Birdie: I'm dying for a piss!
Al: Shall I call your Doctor?
Birdie: No! Where's the nearest bog?!
Al: If you're referring to the toilet, the pub is through this arch.
Birdie: Cheers love! You're a life saver!
She kisses his cheek & runs.
In the Taylor's:
Lucy: So, how'd it go love?
Mandy: Charlie?
Charlie: I'm gonna need a stem cell transplant.
Lucy: Oh.
In the prison:
Lee sits in his cell.
Stu: You get your verdict tomorrow... you're gonna come crashing down like a sack of spuds.
Lee: It's fine. I'll be fine.
In the visitors room:
June: I'm guessing you saw Carla?
Rhys: Yeah.
June: How'd it go?
Rhys: How it always goes. I apologise for what u did to Gabby & she lashes out.
June: She didn't get over it.
Rhys: She never did.
June: She lost her mum, Rhys. Meanwhile, our mum is still here, she's at home making dinner for dad & I.
Rhys: I just don't know what to do, I've said my sorries. I don't know what else to do... I mean what else IS THERE, to do?
June: I don't know, little bro. I don't know.
Rhys: Could you talk to her?
June: I'll try.
Rhys: Thanks.
June gets up.
-I love you, June.
June: I love you, you great sop.
They laugh & walk away.
On the corridor:
Carla: Ready?
June: Yeah.
Carla: Great.
In the Taylor's:
Mandy: So what does this mean?
Charlie: Somebody needs to donate their stem cells in order for the transplant to go ahead, that's IF they don't find a match already.
Mandy: Jesus.
Lucy: So that means we could suitable donors?
Charlie: Possibly.

CHARACTERS (in order of appearance)
Carla Taylor
June Smith
Loretta Fairchild
Birdie O'Carol
Al Lawrence
Lucy Taylor
Mandy Simmons
Charlie Taylor
Lee Taylor
Rhys Smith

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