Episode 432 (01/02/23)

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Scarlett: Previously On Redbye:
Flip goes through their wardrobe, Clara comes in, Flip throws a bag under their bed.
Clara: Your grandad let me in!
Sam goes into the drugs store, he takes a box of antidepressants & puts them into his pocket, he leaves the room.
Manny: Warren & Daphne, they need to pull their weight around here, there's 14 of us living here, something's gotta give, we can't all live here,
Sarah: So what are you saying?
Manny: We look at moving houses.
Bannaboat: Thing is, she can't move, Rob took Toyah away with him for that reason, so she won't try anything.
Janet: So, what's next?
Bannaboat: I don't know.
Daphne: Oh. Anyway, buy me a pregnancy test would you?
ZaZa: What? Why?
Daphne: Um... because I think I'm up the duff?
Trustfall by P!nk plays.
ZaZa: Just this please.
Frankie: We need to talk.
Mickey: About what?
Callum: Yeah?
Janet: She needs rescuing.
Nadira: Really Janet?
Sam goes into the drugs store.
Flip zips up their bag, they sigh.
In the corner shop:
Melanie: Come on then, who's the dad?
ZaZa: What?
Trustfall stops playing.
Melanie: Pregnancy test.
ZaZa: Oh right. I need to go.
She leaves.
In the village:
ZaZa hands the test to Daphne.
Daphne: Thanks.
In the corner shop:
Liam comes in.
Melanie: Ooh! If I don't see you, Congratulations.
Liam: What?
Melanie: ZaZa was in here this morning. Bought a pregnancy test.
Liam: What?
In the Dixon's:
Janet: Nadira, why are you shutting me down over this? There's some poor woman & her daughter being held to ransom by an abusive vile man.
Nadira: I know but what happens if we interfere? We get caught in the crossfire Jan, so leave it yeah?
Janet: Fine.
In the school:
ZaZa is sat with Coleman.
ZaZa: Can she hurry up already?
Daphne comes out of the bathrooms.
Daphne: It's positive.
Coleman: Wow!
ZaZa: What are you gonna do?
Daphne: I'm getting rid of it.
ZaZa: Are you sure?
Daphne: Yeah. I can't deal with sleepless nights, clothes, food, daycare-
Coleman: Vaccinations.
Daphne: I would not vaccinate my child if I had one.
ZaZa: Why?
Daphne: It'll get autism or something.
Coleman: I cannot believe what I'm hearing.
Daphne: What?
Coleman: Do you know how damaging those kind of comments are?
Daphne: Your mum vaccinated you & well...
Coleman: You stupid arrogant bigoted cow.
He walks away.
ZaZa: You really need to watch your mouth Daphne.
Daphne: Was it something I said?
ZaZa: Really? You need to apologise to Coleman & make it sincere too.
In the hospital:
Sam takes two boxes of antidepressants out & puts them in his pocket. Mellisa comes in.
Mellisa: Hey.
Sam: I've gotta go.
He leaves, Mellisa raises an eyebrow.
In the village:
Atlantis by Seafret plays.
Flip texts Clara a message reading - 'Your all gonna hate me for this but please understand why I've done it. I've had enough of this place & I don't think my heart can take seeing Mickey hurt Callum. I'm sorry.'
Flip: I'm sorry.
They tear up.
-Your doing this for a reason Flip. Your doing this for a reason.
A bus pulls up, the door opens, Flip gets on.
Driver: Where too?
Flip: Lime Street Station.
The doors close, the bus drives away.
On the bus:
Flip looks out the window, they cry.
In the school:
Daphne: Hey.
Coleman: What do you want?
Daphne: To apologise.
Coleman: Really? Do you know how damaging that conspiracy theory is? Do you know how many times I have to hear it from people? How many flyers I see up around the village, the city, the bus stop outside... people don't realise how offensive some conspiracy theories can be...
Daphne: I'm sorry. Really I am.
Coleman: I know & I hope you can come back from what you said & do educate yourself on the matter.
Daphne: I will.
Coleman: & also get your baby vaccinated if you have it... you don't want them coming down with god only knows what.
He walks away, she takes her phone out & searches 'busted vaccination myths'.
Liam: Hey.
Daphne: Hey.
Liam: Your ZaZa's cousin right?
Daphne: Yeah.
Liam: I'm Liam her b-
Daphne kisses him.
-What are you doing?!
Daphne: What?
Liam: I'm ZaZa's fiancé.
He walks away.
In the Nicholson's:
Frankie: Your together! I knew it!
Mickey: You can't say anything to anyone ok?
Frankie: I won't but whilst your here... Why was Flip so scared of you that they left?
Callum: Flip's gone?
Mickey: What?
Frankie: She said there was something about you. In fact the other day, I walked past Flip's & I heard them & Clara in Flip's bedroom-
Flip: Maybe. But when we clashed on that night out, there was a look in his eyes that screamed anger, like there was a rage waiting to be unleashed.
Clara: Maybe he's just troubled, his little brother's in prison remember?
Flip laughs.
Flip: It probably wasn't even his gun.
Clara: Flip!
Clara laughs.
Flip: I'm scared Clara.
Clara: Scared of what?
Flip: That Mickey will be the death of Callum.
Frankie walks past Flip's window & she hears what is being said, she bites her lip.
-When Flip said all that about the gun & that you'll be the death of Callum & that look in your eyes... that's when it clicked. That was your gun, Harry is in prison-
Callum: What?
Mickey: Frankie...
Frankie: That should be you in that cell! Not Harry!
Mickey: You need to shut up.
Frankie: Why? You gonna silence me?
He takes a breadknife from the knife block on the kitchen side.
Mickey: Your gonna sit down & your gonna shut up otherwise you'll regret it.

End of episode.

CHARACTERS (in order of appearance)
ZaZa Taylor
Frankie Nicholson
Mickey Nicholson
Callum Musgrave
Janet Shelby
Nadira Quereshi
Sam Henshaw
Flip Tyler
Melanie Dean
Daphne Taylor
Liam Henderson
Coleman Myles
Mellisa Pond

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