Episode 439 (10/02/23)

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Scarlett: Previously On Redbye:
Bel: I'm glad you've found somewhere that you can be yourself darling.
Callum: What about you? Where are you living?
Bel: I've been staying in a premier inn by Albert Docks, whilst I've been in the UK anyway.
Callum: What'd you mean?
Bel: Before I came here to see you I was living in Croatia with your Auntie Christina & her son Ian, they said there's enough room in their villa for you n' all.
Callum: You want me to move to Croatia with you?
Bel: If your happy to do it.
Callum: I know but Redbye is my home, my life do I give it all up just like that?
He clicks his fingers.
Blair: Bur you'll be with your mum, your family, your REAL family it's what you've always wanted & now Tina can't deprive you of that you should take the opportunity whilst it stands.
Carla: I'll come & visit you whenever you want.
Callum: With everything that's happened the last few months it's made me feel like it's the universe's way of telling me to do something with my life & maybe moving to Croatia is what I need to do.
Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos plays.
Callum wakes up, he smiles & gets up.
Callum walks through the village.
Noreen: Morning love.
Callum: Morning!
A woman passes him a flyer, he reads it.
A bus pulls up, Bel gets off.
Bel: My boy.
They hug.
In the Taylor's:
Callum: Mums in the village waiting for me.
Carla: Can't believe your going.
Soldier, Poet, King stops playing.
Callum: Neither can I.
Carla: Croatia... will never know that life.
Callum: Someone jealous?
He laughs.
Carla: You what?
Callum: Carla?
Carla: Jealous?! Why would I be jealous of you?!
Callum: It was just a joke Ca-
Carla storms out.
Blair: I'd ignore her if I were you, she's just emotional over you leaving, I'll go.
Callum: Thanks.
Blair walks out, Callum zips up his suitcase, he sighs.
Sarah: You all set?
Callum: Yeah.
Sarah: I'll be sad to see you go you know.
Callum: I know, thanks for everything these last few years, it's been great living with you all but I need to get out there & make up for time I've lost with my mum & my family.
Sarah: I know darling.
She hugs him.
Lee: We're gonna miss you mate.
Charlie: Yeah.
Sarah: Come on then, group hug?
They laugh & hug.
In the village:
Blair: Thought I might find you here.
Carla: What do you want?
Blair: I've only been a part of your life for a year or so but from what I can see from your's & Callum's friendship is that your tight & if I remember correctly didn't you leave with your dad & Sean this time last year roughly?
Carla: True.
Blair: Never leave without saying goodbye, you never know when seeing someone will be your last.
Carla bites her lip.
Blair: Come on, he'll be here in 5 to get the taxi to leave.
Delusional Confidence by MOD SUN plays.
Callum walks into the village with Sarah, Lee & Charlie in tow.
Blair: Hey.
Celine: God I'm getting emotional.
She laughs.
Bel: Celine?
Celine: Yeah?
Bel: Thank you for looking after him the last few years.
Celine: No worries, it was a pleasure bringing up such an incredible young man.
Freddie: He was like the son I never had.
Sean hugs Callum.
Sean: See you mate.
Manny shakes his hand.
Clara & Celine hug him.
Tina smiles.
Callum: I forgive you by the way.
They hug.
Tina: Look after yourself won't you?
Lucy: See you kiddo.
Daphne: See you.
Warren: Bye mate.
Callum: Thank you for everything the last few years.
Callum tears up.
-No Carla.
Carla: Callum!
Blair: Sorry we're late.
Carla runs to Callum & hugs him.
Carla: I'm so sorry for being a bitch.
Callum: Me too.
They laugh.
Carla: Remember I'm only ever a phone call away yeah?
Blair hugs him.
Callum: I know.
Bel: Well... we best get going.
Callum: Yeah, thank you. All of you.
He smiles & gets into the taxi with Bel.
In the taxi:
Bel: You sure about this?
He nods & swallows.
Callum: Yeah, yeah I am.
He looks out the back of the taxi, he smiles & waves.
The taxi drives away from the village.

End of episode.

CHARACTERS (in order of appearance)
Callum Musgrave
Noreen Nolan
Bel Stewart
Carla Taylor
Blair Watkins
Sarah Taylor
Lee Taylor
Charlie Taylor
Celine Crimson
Freddie Crimson
Sean Taylor
Manny Taylor
Clara Taylor
Tina Taylor
Lucy Taylor
Daphne Taylor
Warren Taylor

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