Episode 449 (24/02/23)

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Scarlett: Previously On Redbye:
Florence: The final act is upon us.
Ross: Blood. Will. Spill.
A comment on the livestream pops up saying 'this is boring... can we have something that's actually funny please 🙄🙄'.
Mari: The fans are finding things a bit boring, think we need to spice things up a bit.
Sarah: Bye love.
Tina tears up.
Tina: Not goodbye, just see ya.
Tina looks at the living room before going out the door, Letitia follows her.
Luke: I'm gonna go.
Melanie sits down.
Melanie: Ok, are you sure this is what you want?
Luke: Yeah, I'm sure it's what I want.
Layla: Jane! It's been a while!
Jane: What the hell do you think you are doing here?
Jane slaps her.
Ross: The Final Hour is upon us.
Come Together by Demi Lovato plays.
In the village:
Luke & Bobby stand by a car.
Melanie: This is it then?
Luke: Yeah.
Melanie: You look after him.
Bobby: I will.
Luke: If I'm going to go with dad, promise me you'll try & fix with Zoe.
Melanie: Yeah... course.
Luke gets into the car, Bobby gets in, the car drives away, Melanie waves.
In the Wilson's:
Come Together stops playing.
Rae picks up her phone.
Rae: Mum...
Siobhan: What the hell does this mean?
Rae: I don't know.
Siobhan: We need to find Lorna. Now!
Siobhan rings Lorna.
In the car:
Lorna wakes up, she answers the phone.
Lorna: Hello?
Siobhan: Lorna?!
Lorna: Oh My God help me!
Siobhan: What is it?! Where are you love?
Lorna: I-I-
Florence: What are you doing?!
She snatches the phone from her.
Lorna: Siobhan!
Siobhan: Lorna!
Lorna: Siobhan!
Siobhan: Lorna!
In the Wilson's:
The line cuts, Siobhan drops her phone. Siobhan shakes her head, Rae covers her mouth.
In the mansion:
Mari slips her credit card into Gwen's coat.
Mari: My credit card is gone!
Conan: Right empty your jackets & bags!
Gwen goes into her coat, she takes the card out.
Gwen: Er-
Mari: What the hell are you playing at?!
Gwen: What?
Mari: Stealing my card! You bitch!
Gwen: Someone must've put it in my coat.
Mari: As if!
Jada: Did you steal this?
Gwen: No I-I didn't!
Cal: I saw her put it in there!
Gwen: No you did not!
Jada: Get out.
Gwen: What?
Jada: Leave.
Gwen: I can't I-I haven't got anywhere to go, there's no trains going back home it's 11.09PM for gods sake!
Jada: Then just get out of our sight!
Gwen storms off.
-How dare she!
Mari: So glad we caught that on live!
Cal: Same!
They continue to dance.
In a hall:
Lorna is strapped to a chair, Florence holds a dagger.
Lorna: Let me go please!
Florence: You will be our sacrifice to our lord!
Lorna: Let me go please! Please!
She cries.
-I've done nothing!
Lorna unties the rope, The door bursts open.
Naomi: Police! Stay where you are!
Florence slices her hand.
Florence: My blood will conjoin with the sacrifice in order to grant us eternal life in the underworld!
A police officer fires at Florence, she falls, Ross holds a knife to Lorna's throat.
Lorna: No!
Ross: I will kill her!
Lorna jumps up, she grabs the dagger from Florence's hand.
-I'll kill you!
Ross goes to stab Lorna in the stomach, Lorna grabs the dagger & stabs him in the heart, Lorna is shot by an armed officer.
In the village:
Jane: Well?!
Layla: I've lived her all my life! If anything your the one who's followed me!
Jane: You ruined my family! RUINED!
Layla rolls her eyes.
-My dad & sister will be moving in soon so I swear to you Layla. Stay. Away.
She walks away.
In the hospital:
Lorna wakes up.
Rae: She's awake!
Siobhan: Thank god!
Lorna: Where am I?
She squints.
-Hospital, I-I remember everything.
Siobhan: You were shot, for your own safety.
Lorna: I stabbed Ross... did I kill him?
Siobhan: Yeah love, you did.
Lorna: I killed someone.
She cries.
-I took someone's life.
Rae: Your not gonna be charged, the police said that you were scared & it was in self defence & you were distressed & you didn't think clearly.
Lorna: What about Florence?
Rae: Locked up.
Lorna: Good, can I have a minute?
Rae: Sure.
Rae & Siobhan leave the room.
In the village:
Brenda locks the doors of Press N Fresh.
Brenda: That shop can stay closed tomorrow, I need a break.
Janet: Thanks!
Brenda: Your welcome.
A bus drives away, a woman is stood at the bus stop.
Janet: Bren!
Brenda: Yeah.
Janet: Look.
Brenda looks.
Brenda: Oh my god. Raquel!
Raquel: Mum!
They hug.
In the pub car park:
Tina: I'll be back.
Letitia: When?
Tina: I don't know but, I'll be back.
Tina hugs her, Tina gets into the car, suddenly police cars pull up.
Letitia: Go! Now! Now!
Tina speeds off, Letitia runs.

End of episode.

CHARACTERS (in order of appearance)
Ross Osborne
Melanie Dean
Luke Dean
Bobby Dean
Rae Wilson
Siobhan Wilson
Lorna Wilson
Florence Garvey
Gwen Baker
Jada Nelson
Jane Melbourne
Layla Longhurst
Brenda Allan
Janet Shelby
Raquel Allan
Tina Taylor
Letitia Greene

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