Mettaton (Undertale) Dating Headcannons

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Yeah, we're gonna start with this guy because some of us are simps. Not mentioning names or tagging anyone but, you know who you are.

● Romantic dinners? He knows some of the best places. Of course, they are all fancy, high end restaurants. Sometimes, he might even sponsor them which means y'all get a discount! This is only if he doesn't take you to MTT Resort/Hotel, MTT Burger Emporium, or MTT Diner. If he does, it'll probably be free.

○ Chic Flicks? Yeah, he'll be up for those on movie night. He will make an exception if you have another movie in mind. But there will be days where he might show you film prototypes he's working on to get your opinion.

★ Karaoke? This dude will challenge you. It doesn't matter where y'all are. He will challenge you and it will end up becoming Friday Night Funkin' in real life.

☆ Video games? Listen, he's a pro at any dance or rhythm game. If you go to an arcade that happens to have DDR, he will be blowing his money to get the highest score he can before his battery dies. If you have Just Dance, he might be up at midnight getting scores that would be impossible for a mortal to beat. He will also be up for games that don't involve patterns or dancing like Mariokart, Wii/Switch Sports, Minecraft, or even CoD, though he won't play it often.

♠︎ Monopoly? Heck yeah! This guy will be like my brother and try to buy up the most properties if he's going for broke. If he's being smart with his money, he will make quick deals and participate in auctions. Just don't let Spamton in. Mettaton can't stand him.

♤ Cuddles? He will make time in his schedule for them. Yes, he's made of metal. This never stops him from giving the best cuddles from a robot. Also, he may want you to cuddle him from time to time. This next bit is for male readers. It's okay to say you would like to be held and I don't just mean for cuddling a robot. I mean in general. There's no shame in admitting it. You're still man enough as long as you're not a jerk. If you're a jerk, you're a giant toddler.

♥︎ Social media? Okay, he might post about your time together and tag you. He will take selfies and pictures of only you and he'll make sure to get the best angle and lighting to bring out your beauty. If you use Snapchat, this guy will send you the most heart-melting snaps. He'll do the same for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any platform you use. If you're on one he doesn't have, he'll join just to send cute messages.

♡ Gifts for any occasion will definitely be fairly expensive or large and fancy. That designer handbag you saw at the mall? He'll get it for your birthday. You can try to talk him out of buying it or at least buying something big and expensive, but he will insist on it.

◆ Shopping sprees are nothing new to this diva. Anything you want, he will pay for it. He will also give you fashion advice. For example, he'll tell you what colors go good together or bring out your eyes and what styles look best.

◇ Height? If you're shorter than him, be prepared to become his armrest. If you're taller, you might be the one flustering him. Either way, he'll come up with petnames and loan you clothes. But you might end up giving him that one sweater, jacket, shirt, or other article of clothing if you're taller.

♣︎ If you are in need of a bath, he's got you. He doesn't care if you don't like frilly baths. He will get one started for you. If you want privacy, he will give it to you. If you're place is a mess, he'll help clean and organize everything. If you are prone to anxiety and/or depression, he will help you get past it. This guy would HATE to see you so scared or sad.

♧ He is a gentleman. This is a big one. He'll hold the door for you, carry your bags, pull out your seat and help push it in. Seriously, he might as well be every girl's dream dude. Wait, he already is.

• He will listen to you rant or vent about your day, week, or your month. If you're in a bad mood, he'll do anything he can to help bring you out of it. Biologically female friends, he will get you anything you crave during your time of the month. If you need pads or tampons, he takes no shame in walking down that aisle to grab a box and will tell off anyone who gives him any shtick. If you're a sobbing mess, he will bring snacks and tissues.

▪︎ He's very affectionate. I'm not kidding. He will shower you with affection whenever he can.

Okay, that was about it. If you enjoyed these, let me know who I should do next.

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