The changes of human nature - Chapter 4

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Akira POV

The black void. That's all I could see. The starkness around me was consuming. The phone call. Hiro's warnings. That's all I could remember. All I could think about was those things. I didn't know where I was either. All I knew is that it was dark. "Akira! Wake up please!" I heard Aira call out. Wake up? Huh?

My eyes faded in and out of darkness, softly trying to keep them open. I saw my sister, looking worried in my room. The room was painting pink with posters from bands and actions figures all over the room. Aira wore her snow like hair tied in a messy bun as she sighed and took a moment, realizing I was awake now.

"Sometimes you scare me, Akira..." she sighed, getting off the floor next to the side of my bed. She wore a black crop top matching with a red skirt and black thigh high socks. "You were sleep crying again... are you sure you don't want me to call a dream expert?" She asked me. I sat up and nodded slowly before sighing and stretching my arms. So, I guess it was all a dream them. But it all felt so... real.

"I'll be fine... now I need to get ready for school." I sighed out, looking at the time. She sighed but nodded, a soft smile growing on her porcelain like skin. She walked out and closed the door behind her. I looked around my room, trying to find a reason to procrastinate. My room wasn't much. It had storage and a bed provided by my father, but everything else I had paid for. I got off my bed, running my fingers through my bangs and tried to push them out of the way of my left eye.

I walked to school in a white long sleeve shirt and a black hoodie, matched with black pants and blue sneakers. The warm winter air of Hosu ran through my hair, causing it to push back onto my face. My solid black backpack was on my back, held there with one strap. I smiled softly when I saw my new friends and decided to run over to them. They were with a tall guy... I knew him. Hiro.

"Hey Emira! Hey mai!" I smiled, running up to them. They looked at me with a cold stare as I waved. My waving slowed as I looked at them with a confused look, I then looked up at Hiro who was wearing a white t-shirt with one of the sleeves ripped off, and some blue jeans. He had his hair down with a single strand in a braid. He seemed normal. "Do you know what's happening?" I asked. He shrugged and sighed.

"Sorry dude. No clue. I was just trying to figure out why they are being so bitchy to everyone." He spoke to me, sounding disinterested. I took a deep breath before smiling softly. "It was nice to see you again Hiro..." I said before walking into the school.

The school was its usual gloomy prospect, governed by shitty people and their sons. I sighed as I walked over to my locker, unlocking it and putting my backpack inside it. On the door was a photo held there with a magnet. It was of me and my older sister in a photo booth. We made weird faces and giggled during that time. When I was confident. For a moment I forgot about my troubles. I was about to close my locker when a hand grabbed the photo. I immediately turned to face the figure who had grabbed my most prized possession.

"Aww, who's this? Your girlfriend?" A girl asked. She was a cheerleader; I could tell she was because of her blue and gold school jersey. Her black hair was tied up in a tight bun. This was Christine, the girl who had been terrorizing me all high school. "You know she isn't, Christine. Can I have that back now?" I asked, tired of this already. Her wide smirk only grew as she looked at it.

"It would be such a shame if I were to... burn it." She started to laugh, pulling out a lighter and starting a flame. I looked at her for a moment before closing my locker door and locking my locker. I could care less if she burned it. I have copies at home. I walked off, seemingly angering her.

"You little shit! Get back here!" She yelled as I walked into my English classroom. I sat in the back of the empty classroom, sitting beside the only other person there, Darwin. I opened the book we were reading in class. It was about two people in a fantasy realm, turning to the dark to find each other. It was good in my opinion.

"Hey... uhm. Akira?" I heard Darwin whisper. I looked over to him. He looked nervous. I looked at him with curiosity before smiling softly as to give him a sense of security. I didn't like him per say, but he needed to tell me something to I was going to let him comfortably. "I'm... sorry. For everything I've ever done to you. I was and still am I dick to you but my dad... you probably don't want to hear my shitty excuses.... I just want to be your friend again."

I looked at him for a moment before smiling softly and turning back to read my book. "Okay. Sure." I spoke, turning the page in the book. He looked shocked at that. "Really?" He asked me. I nodded once more as more students started to walk in. That's when everything went silent.

"You're forgiving him? Just like that? After he tortured you for years." I heard a demonic like voice call out as a dark void like creature appeared in front of me. I just stared at it, pretending not to be scared of it. "Who are you?" I asked. It scoffed slightly. "I'm you."

"Me? What do you mean?" I asked, closing my book. It turned from a void like character to a man that looked almost exactly like me, but his hair was pure white, red horns protruding out of his head, and a matching tail wagging softly. "I'm your anger. You hunger. Your envy. Your personal demon. All half breeds have one!" It smiled, letting me see its sharp canines.

"A... Half breed?" I asked, out of curiosity. I was examining its entire body, the clothes it wore were and exact match to mine. It giggled slightly before I saw a small black feather fall on my desk. "You're part angel, part demon, kid. Unlike Hiro, who is only half angel." He giggled out softly. My eyes widened; I couldn't believe what I was hearing. A half breed? I thought they all went extinct. "How... How do you know about hero?" I asked, trying to keep my composer.

"Like I said, kid. I'm you. We share emotions, and memories. I'm just your demonic power." It explained. I looked at him for a moment before sighing out in fear. I didn't know how to process what was going on. That dream I had was real? The thoughts in my head were racing, and none were winning.

"Oh and before I forget. My name, is Itona. You can call me Ito."

"Akira? HelLloOoOo??" I heard Hiro's voice. I immediately jumped up and looked at him. Everything... looked different.

Word count: 1251

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