Theme Park Reunion- Chapter 2

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If I had to choose my least favourite thing in a theme park it would be the coasters. Even the smaller ones. The only reason I went to them parks was because Emira loves them. Shes always talking about wanting to go on the tallest coaster at our local theme park, but whenever we go, she backs out. Probably because she doesn't want to go without me.

Emira<3<3<3      11;31 am

Sooooooo, are you ready?? :>so excited!!!

MiaYubisa_69420    11;32 am

Just about to leave the house, meet you there??:3im sure Akira and Hiro are excited too-

Emira<3<3<3    11;32 am

I just talked to Akira and Hes already at the park!! Hiro is apparently bringing someone too, which is a bummer :<

Wanted to set them up :<

MaiYubisa_69420     11;33 am

You are a gremlin, lovely -.-

Anyway, I'm sure it's just a friend of Hiro's. He was talking about someone while we were on call last night, come to think of it-

I walked through the streets of town, looking for the 26th bus stop. My long blond hair was in a loose braid and was placed swiftly around my neck. I wore a white, tight-fitting t-shirt, and some jean shorts, that were ripped at the hem. I had my phone in my pocket, as I stopped at a sign that had a bus on it, with the number 26 imprinted on it.

I waited as multiple cars passed by, until one pulled up and stopped, opening its doors so I could walk in. I walked on, the bus driver starting to point to a box. Right. I pulled out a bus ticket from my back pocket and placed it into a box before pulling out my phone and walking over to the back of the bus. It was always the emptiest. I sat on red, fabric covered seats and sighed in relief. This was a direct bus to the park, and it was only going to take a few minutes. That's when I got a message.

AKIRA_KIYOYAMA      11;43 am

Hey, I just wanted to thank you for allowing me to come with you and Emira... Seriously. I've had like two friends ever in my lifetime and this means a lot

MaiYubisa_69420   11;44 am

Seriously it's no problem!! Your one of our people now!! It's just about time you meet the other person in our group though. They haven't been to school in a bit:p

AKIRA_KIYOYAMA    11;44 am

wait there was another person coming with us-?

MaiYubisa_69420    11;45 am

Did Emira not tell you????

Two others are coming with us. I know one of them but idfk about who else is coming-

AKIRA_KIYOYAMA    11;45 am


I'm just going to panic quick, see you at the park.

I was confused at that last text, maybe he had anxiety about being social? I sighed out as the bus stopped, and the doors opened. I stood up and started walking off the bus, making sure to thank the driver. Walking on the street almost gave me a nervous feeling. Like something bad was going to happen, but I pushed it through. At the entrance I found two people. Akira and Emira.

Akira had his hair pinned to the side, out of the way of his eyes, making it easier for him to see. He looked paler than usual, but maybe it was because he wore a white dress shirt with short sleeves and a green sweater vest overtop, with matching sweatpants. He also had multiple different piercings on, some I didn't even know he had. I knew he had multiple ear piercings, but what surprised me was the two nose piercings, as well as a fake lip piercing.

Emira wore a frog themed bucket hat, with her hair in low pigtails. Even when she wasn't trying, her sense of fashion was just beautiful. She wore a black crop top with some green camo army pants, matched with some black cargo boots. It matched her style perfectly.

I walked up to the two, with a smile. "Hey you two~!" I smiled, not knowing if they had seen Hiro yet, or not. Emira smiled and kissed me on the cheek as a greeting as Akira awkwardly waved to me. "You don't need to be nervous dude. He's really cool I promise." Emira smiled, reassuring Akira that the boy he was going to meet would be nice and kind.

"Yeah... but what if they don't... like me per-say??" Akira asked, standing up straight as we all started to walk into the park. The park was themed to one specific apple mascot, and named LacienLand. It made no sense to me but oh well. "Don't worry you'll do great! Speaking of, I see them over there!" Emira pointed out, pointing at a tall man who had medium length black hair and a slightly shorter boy who had dark brown hair. The black haired guy wore a black leather jacket, matched with some blue jeans and a grey tank top. The brunette wore our school's varsity jersey, with 'DARIOUS' written in big white font on the back of it.

"Fucking hell, they brought Darwin Darious?" I scoffed out, rolling my eyes as Emira ran up to the black haired man, greeting him. Me and Akira fallowed closely before I stopped and had a staring match with the brunette I had known to bully my friends. Akira examined and investigated the black haired man, Hiro, who had magical turquoise eyes. He then stopped for a moment. "Mai! Emira! Who'd you bring with ya?" He spoke in a cherry tone, pointing at Akira.

"Hiro, I should ask you why you brought Darwin, but otherwise. Hiro, this is Akira Kiyoyama. Akira, this is Hiro Torie." I rolled my eyes explaining. In a moments notice they both realized something. "Akane? Or did you decide on a name while I was gone?" Hiro asked, as he smiled like a puppy. Akira went from slightly nervous to depressed in less then 0.3 seconds before answering. "It's Akira now, Hiro."

"Oh! I'm sorry! It's nice to see you again Akira!" He smiled brightly. Me and Emira looked confused before sighing.

Akira PoV
I sat alone in the woods, playing with a daisy in the grass. The hot summer air seemed to make me more envious of the other girls, who weren't distracted in trying to convince their father to cut their hair or buy them a binder.

The daisies were my only companions. 13 years old and no friends... gods my sister would be disappointed. I sighed slightly, dropping the daisy and burying my head into my knees. I wanted to cry but I couldn't through the bandages over my eye.

"Hello? Are you okay?" I heard a boys voice call out. I looked up and in front of me was a taller boy with short black hair and greenish blue eyes. They reminded me of diamonds.

"I'm fine... how'd you find me, Hiro?" I asked, knowing his name from my class, as he had been in it for two years straight. He sat down on the grass in front of me with a soft smile. "I saw you walk in here at break. Thought I'd check on you."

In that moment I poured out my soul to him, and he listened. He gave me advice that I followed. He became my friend...


I don't know who I was more distracted by. My childhood crush, or my current bully. I looked at Darwin briefly before looking at the puppy we called Hiro. "Your a dope." I scoffed out before looking away. He only smiled and looked to Emira and Mai. "So! Me and Darwin talked things over and he want to say a few things to you!" He smiled purely.

"Yeah... I do have a few things to say." Darwin sighed slightly, rolling up his sleeves. Mai glared and crossed her arms as Emira nodded, wanting to know what he had to say. "I'm sorry. For everything I've put you all through. Especially you, Akira. It was wrong of me to deadname you, misgendering you, and bully you. I know an apology won't make it right but whatever I can do to help, I will do."

I looked at him, almost offended while Mai and Emira sighed, but nodded. I scoffed slightly, looking at them before almost laughing. "That was the most shitty apology I've ever heard, and my father is a transphobic pastor." I spoke out sarcastically, clearly angry. They both looked at me in shock at my reaction, as if they didn't expect it. I sighed and scoffed before looking at the rides.

"Let's just go..."

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