Chapter 4

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[TW: self harm]

(This chapter is very lengthy)

Chapter 4:

(Time skip to the next morning)

--<Norman's POV>--

I woke up sweating from a horrible nightmare. Everyone died. We couldn't escape.

"Norman, it's morning!"

Nina and Damdin we're on top of my bed, smiling at me. I smiled back, hugging them. I let out a small sigh. It was just a nightmare, that's all. We CAN escape. We can do this! I thought with determination.

I walked with the two children to breakfast. Emma waved to me, and I returned the gesture. I scanned the room, but Ray wasn't to be found. Panic rushed through me, but I tried my best not to let my face show it. Where was he?
Despite my worries, I ate breakfast with everyone else and acted normal.

I was lost in my thoughts when Mom walked up to me.

"Norman. Have you seen Ray?" she asked.

I almost jumped, surprised. I quickly gained my composure and smiled.

"In the bathroom, maybe?"

Mom nodded solemnly, suspicious, and walked away. Shoot. If I didn't find Ray, Mom would think something was up. I stood up, told Emma I'd be right back, and left to search for my friend.

--[Ray's POV]--

When I awoke, I sat up and groaned. My thighs stung. I looked down and realized I never cleaned up the blood. I was still in the infimary. Dang it.

I rubbed my eyes and got a paper towel and some cotton balls. I wiped up the floor, then put rubbing alcohol on the cotton balls, wincing as I cleaned my wounds.
I wiped off the scalpel last and put everything away.
When I finally stood up, I groaned again.


I huffed. Weak. I walked around the room a bit to make sure I could walk normally. It hurt, but I was fine.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps come down the hall. I stopped.
I heard Norman calling quietly for me.

Damn it, why do those two always have to look for me. I can't go out now, or he'll wonder why I'm in the infirmary, and how I got in.

I know I should use the key to help with the escape, but I'm sure I can work around it. I kept quiet, listening for the footsteps. They stopped suddenly, then turned the other way.

I waited until the sound faded away, then slowly opened the door, looking around. No one. I sighed and locked the door, stuffing the key back into my pocket.


I jumped and spun around.

--<Norman's POV>--

I ate breakfast with the others, then went to find Ray.
I looked around the rooms, calling for him quietly.
Walking down the hall, I could hear shaky breathing coming from the infirmary. Ray hardly ever got sick, and if he was, Mom would know he was there. She wouldn't come ask ME his location. Why did she ask anyways? Why bother when she has the tracker?

I stopped walking and listened. The breathing stopped as well. Ray, what are you even doing? I walked back the direction I came from, then hid around the corner.
A few minutes later, Ray quickly slipped out, looked around, then pulled out Mom's key! How did he get that? I silently walked back behind him.
He sighed and locked the door.


Ray jumped at the sound of his name, and spun around to see where it was coming from.

"Damn it, Norman! How did you sneak up on me?"

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