Chapter 6

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[TW: mention of self harm]

"Bye-bye...Emma..." Ray let the fiery match slip from his fingers, a grin on his face.

"No!" Time seemed to freeze as Emma caught it in mid air.

Ray stared at her in disbelief, "What the-!"

Emma unclasped her hands, revealing the snuffed out match, "Nice catch, huh?"


Ray gave Emma a sincere and determined look, "I promise I won't try to leave again. I'll stay to protect them- all of them. We'll shoulder this weight together."

Emma smiled at Ray.

And Ray kept his promise. He still cut, hiding it, of course, but he never tried to kill himself again.

One day, Ray was sitting by a wall, fighting off urges to hurt himself, when Emma sat next to him.

"Are you okay, Ray?" she asked, concerned.

"Nice catch, huh?"

The memory flashed through his mind. Ray grabbed Emma's hands and looked at her palms. The burn scars were still there. He rubbed his thumbs over them.

"I'm sorry..." Ray mumbled.

Emma pulled her hands away, "Ray... what is it..?" she pressed.

Ray buried his face in his hands.

"Please, Ray, I want to help."

Ray rubbed his eyes. There wasn't anything she could possibly say to make him stop hurting, "You can't.." he replied, his voice cracking.

Norman was dead, Ray was almost dead, and he hurt Emma's hands. He scarred them. Ray couldn't stop messing up and letting people down. He could barely fight off the urge to hurt himself, how was he supposed to fight off demons to protect his family?
They were just humans. The world was cruel. What was even the point? We were all made to be eaten, anyways.

But he promised Emma he wouldn't give up.


A/N: So, I'm sorry for everything before this point and everything to come after. I started writing this a super long time ago, as I may have already mentioned, and I just picked it back up again and posted some of it. I know that at the beginning I changed POVs, and then, at some point, I started writing in 3rd person.
I know the last chapter wasn't great, and this chapter is skipping around a lot.

Plus, I'm working on my second fanfiction, "Broken" (yes, yes, I know the name is stupid I covered this in the book's description) at the same time. Literally no one has read it, but I like writing it more.

The next chapter of this might be better. Norman's back so we're gonna get some more angsty norray.

I don't know if I should keep writing this though. It's not even very good, even without the skipping around. :P

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