Chapter 7

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[TW: self-harm scars, mention of self-harm]

"Norman.." Ray and Emma stared at him with gaping mouths as he took off his mask.

Emma immediately ran up and hugged Norman, then stood beside him. Ray cautiously went up to Norman before slapping him hard in the face. It was partially to make sure he was real, partially to pay him back for disappearing, and partially just to make Ray feel better.

Tears of joy flowed down Ray's face as he pulled Emma and the very real and now very sore Norman into a hug.

"I'm glad you're alive.." he said shakily.

"Me too." Norman gently patted Ray's back.

Ray held his friends close for a few long, happy, wonderful minutes, but he knew eventually had to let go.


It was an amazing day. Norman's return was a huge celebration and everyone got along with his friends. Ray should be happy, so happy, but he didn't feel good now. He pulled one knee up and crossed his fingers over it, resting his head on his hands.
Unexpectedly, Norman came and sat beside him.

"Hey..." he said softly.

"Hey." Ray nearly whispered, forcing a smile.

Norman frowned, knowing he wasn't really happy.

"I missed you," Norman pulled his knees up and rested his head on them, facing Ray.

A small tear rolled down onto Ray's hands, "I missed you too..."

There was a silence before Norman finally spoke up.

"So, how have you been doing?"

Ray shrugged, "We have enough food and stuff so we've been fine-"

"No, YOU. How have YOU been doing? ...I know me leaving wasn't particularly...easy on you,"

The memory flashed through Ray's mind. Pain followed quickly by blood. Emma finding out.


Norman pulled Ray's hands into his own, "You're lying," his frown deepened.

"No, really! Mostly."

Norman tried to change the conversation, "So, was it cool?"


Norman smirked, waiting for Ray to figure it out.

"I'll show you something cool, so shut up and follow."

Ray smiled at the memory, "Very."

Norman suddenly glanced down at Ray's arms, noticing healing wounds amongst old scars and rolled up his sleeves. Ray tensed.


Ray didn't answer, pulling his sleeves back down.

"I've been getting better.. kinda.." Ray tried to make Norman feel better.

"I'm sorry, Ray. I'm sorry I wasn't there... I should've been there."

"It's not your fault. You got shipped. It's just lucky you got away," Ray gazed into his friend's eyes with sincerity.

Norman smiled sadly, "...Thank you..."


A/N: Here it is, finally. I know you love this book, because you read it. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

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