Chapter 8

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Dedicated to: 1_L1KE_P0TAT0ES

Ray fell asleep on Norman's shoulder, and Norman's head rested on Ray's.
Lannion and Thoma laughed, waking them up. Emma followed behind them, reminding Norman that today was the day he said he would share his plan.
Ray sighed and rubbed his eyes. Norman hugged Lannion and Thoma.

"Good morning, Lannion and Thoma. Good morning, Emma. Good morning, Ray," he greeted everyone.

Lannion and Thoma ran off with the rest of the children, and Norman put comforting hands on both of his friends shoulders, leading them to another room.

He explained the drug which would cause the demons to degenerate, and how it affected them. They would start killing each other without hesitation.

The plan bothered Emma. She didn't want anymore death, but she couldn't think of a way they would survive without killing the demons.


"That's quite a pickle you're in, huh?"

"What?! If you didn't have any advice, why'd you let me keep talking? You made me expose my deepest darkest secrets!" Emma pouted.

Ray shrugged, "I didn't make you do anything. If you wanted to keep it a secret so bad, you would've taken it to your grave. Sometimes secrets just come spilling out and, knowing you, they'd come out at the worst time possible, messing everything up. You need to tell Norman how you feel about his plan before it's set in motion," he explained, putting his hand on Emma's shoulder, "Let's make a future without regrets."

Then Ray took his leave.

Emma took this in consideration, leaning on the stone wall and looking out at the forest. She decided to tell Norman the next day.


Emma told Norman about Sonju and Mujika, the evil-blooded girl. They didn't have to eat humans, and could share their blood with the other demons.
Norman granted Emma and Ray five days to get Sonju and Mujika and bring them back, if they didn't, then, and only then, he would release the drug. Emma was glad she convinced him. This was the chance for a peaceful world.

Norman lied.

He released the drug and started killing. When Emma and Ray returned with Sonju and Mujika, it was already happening. Death, blood, and smoke were everywhere. Mujika rushed to help, Sonju following close behind.

"Norman!" Emma found him with a sword raised at a demon- the same one who was kind to them at the demon church- blood dripping down onto his hand.

Norman turned to face her, a terrified look on his face. He just wanted to save his family. This was the only way to do it. Ray stood behind Emma, looking frustrated. Emma opened her mouth to speak, but Ray came up to Norman before she had a chance.

Ray grabbed the sword by the blade and yanked it out of Norman's grasp, slightly cutting his hand in the process. Paying no mind to the wound, he tossed the weapon to the side and started yelling at Norman.

"What the hell?!" he screamed angrily, "You were never planning to give us time to bring them back, were you?"

Norman was startled by Ray's anger, "I- I'm sorry-"

"No, you're not! You're putting all of this on yourself- did you really think we'd be okay with that?! We're family, Norman. Whatever you go through, we go through together. No matter what!"

Norman was crying by now.

Emma came up to Norman, "You look like a scared little kid shaking with fear. Norman, this time your not going to go alone! Listen to Ray and I. You don't have to play God. You're stronger and kinder than anyone- but you're also an arrogant coward. Share the suffering, the pain, and the fear with us. Let us share the burden!"

"I just wanted to..." Norman started.

"You don't need to protect us, Norman!" Ray yelled, "We'll walk beside you through anything. Stop trying to shoulder this yourself."

"Let's grow up together," Emma extended her hand smiling.

He slumped to the ground. Ray and Emma immediately went down beside him.

"That's all I want..." Norman cried into Emma's shoulder, "I-I want to live. I want to live together."

Emma smiled. Ray put Norman's hand in his own comfortingly.

"But it's just not possible...I lied before.." Norman sobbed, "They pumped me full of drugs at Lambda...I'm dying."

Ray and Emma's eyes widened.

"Zazie, stop!"

Zazie's knife landed in the tree beside the demon child. Zazie, Cislo, Vincent, and Barbara, who recovered from her seizure, turned to look at Norman.

"We can't continue. Revenge is wrong.. I just wanted to protect my family, not kill an entire species! ...Sorry," Norman smiled nervously.

Norman admitted to being drugged as well. There was a protest from Vincent, but they all agreed in the end.

"You're more important to me than revenge, Boss," Barbara smiled, unsure if she may regret the descision later.

"Me too," Cislo added.

Zazie nodded.

"You're more important to me, too, Boss." Vincent said.

"Guys..." Norman smiled.


Mr. Minerva's pen revealed a cure for the Lambda patients. They didn't have to die. This overjoyed Norman and the rest.

"Let's live." Norman grinned.



Am I the only one who thought "I light a candle and place it up on the mantle. Grab a knife by the blade and stab with you the f*cking handle" when Ray grabbed the sword?
I apologize again for the inconsistent length of these chapters, and taking so long to write them.

So, should I go back and change the first few chapters to fit the 3rd perspective? I could also go back to

Also... 159 VIEWS?! MY GOSH! Thank you!


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