Chapter 5

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[TW: self harm, blood]

(Time skip to when Norman's about to be shipped)

"It's time to go, Norman."

Norman had said his goodbyes to Emma. When Emma told him Ray was in the infirmary, he knew he had to go make sure he wasn't doing anything.

"Mom, can I say goodbye to Ray before I leave."

"Yes," Isabella abliged, getting irritated now. She kneeled down to Norman's ear, "Try anything and I'll kill you."

Norman set down his suitcase and calmly walked up the stairs, straight to the infirmary.

He pushed the door open, "Ray? Are you oka- Ray!"

Ray was sobbing in the corner by the bed with his head in his knees his sleeves were rolled up, but still soaked in blood from cuts that lined his arms. The scalpel laid on the floor beside him in a small puddle of red.

Norman ran over to Ray, grabbing his hands to look over his wounds. Ray's face was twisted in pain, tears dripping off his cheeks fast and mixing with the blood.

"I- I don't want you t-to go," Ray gasped through sobs, shaking harshly.

Tears were pouring down Norman's face now, too.

"I'm sorry, Ray, I'm so sorry.."


"Wait in this room for a moment, please." Mom pushed the door open as Norman stepped inside.


Ray cleaned up his arms, but his sleeves were still bloody. He soaked up all the blood he could and put on a sweater to hide it. Emma went up to the infirmary to get back to her bed. Luckily, Ray had wiped the blood from the floor, too.

"Emma," he looked at her with red, dull eyes, "I need your help...Don't overeact like you do." He pulled up his sweater sleeves to reveal the blood staining his shirt, "I can't get the blood out.."

Emma stared at his sleeves in horror, "What happened..?!"

Ray sighed and pulled his sweater sleeve back down averting his eyes, "I did. So, can you help me get the blood out or what?"

Emma's eyes filled with tears, but she recalled a memory of scraping her knee outside and getting blood on the hem of her skirt. Mom had a cleaner she used to get the blood out.

Ray changed shirts and Emma helped him wash his previous one, a horrified look on her face the entire time.



"Why..?" Emma set the soggy shirt out to dry, her hands shaking.

"Because I felt like it," Ray sighed, not really caring about anything. He didn't care that Emma saw his blood-soaked sleeves.


A/N: I apologize for this chapter being kinda short. I wasn't really sure how to carry out their conversation, so I decided to do a little, short time skip for the next chapter.

I couldn't really decide whether or not Ray would ask Emma for help. It just seemed easier than not, because if he didn't, he wouldn't know how to deal with the shirt. As smart as he is, he's never had to clean blood stains out of clothes before. So, he probably would've tried to hide the shirt or something, even though that wouldn't work because I'm pretty sure that they talked about Isabella knowing the number of all the clothes, which is why they used spare cloth to make the rope to inspect the wall.

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