⌠ Zapapico ⌡

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You woke up the next day to see Crocalor, Pincurchin and Arcanine were already packing up for you.

"Morning." You said

You sat up and quickly grabbed a hat to cover your hair.

Arcanine barked as Crocalor finished packing up the last blanket with Pincurchin.

"Thank you! What a big help! Let's go and pack up the tent now." You smiled 

You unzipped the entrance which let all three of your Pokémon out.

You managed to quickly pack up the tent and stuff it into your bag which was growing way too small for the things you had.

You picked up Pincurchin and Crocalor before hopping onto Arcanine.

Arcanine was a big help since he could be used as something to help you travel around and Arcanine was very happy while doing it.

Arcanine ran through Area 3 in the Northern Province happily.

"Zapapico's gonna be fun! We can try and get ourselves a hotel." You said

You were still wondering where you'd get enough money to support your journey, at least for a little while.

Arcanine had stopped in his tracks at the same bus stop you entered Area Three at.

You, Crocalor and Pincurchin hopped off of Arcanine and waited there for the bus to arrive, it'd be a long time until you'd actually get to Zapapico.

Instead of a bus a train pulled up on the train tracks right beside the road.

"Guess we'll take the train, don't go wandering far you three." You said

You entered the train with Pincurchin, Fuecoco and Arcanine so you quickly took your seat in an area where Arcanine could sit in the middle with Crocalor next to you and Pincurchin on your head.

"Would you like anything to eat? Drink?" A man asked

"No thank you!" You smiled

He nodded and walked off as you got out some Sistrus berries, you gave them to your Pokémon before assisting them in drinking bottled water.

"I say we go catch ourselves a Tropius or even a Breloom!" You smiled

Arcanine barked in agreement as Pincurchin moved around happily on your head.

Crocalor was happily sitting down right beside you and roaring.

"I can't believe that I caught three Pokémon already! And one evolved! My mom is gonna be so proud of us." You smiled

You pulled out a Rotom Phone and took a picture with all three of your Pokémon before checking out Arcanine's known moves.

Arcanine knew Bite, Flame Wheel, Reversal, Fire Fang and Flamethrower.

"You must've trained pretty hard for this!" You said

Arcanine barked and nodded happily before someone walked past.

"Are you Y/N Y/L/N?" A man said

"Yup! Why?" You replied

Crocalor roared in confusion as Pincurchin squeaked.

"I've been given a letter from your mother, I've seen you around the Northern Province so I followed you here." He explained

"Oh! Thank you!" You smiled

You took the letter and he walked away.

"Let's open it." You said

Arcanine, Pincurchin and Crocalor watched as you undid the seal, a letter was inside.

You unfolded the letter.

"Dear Y/N, I hope you're doing well on your journey! I figured you'd need some more supplies since I didn't exactly give you much. Take these! Cant wait to see you! - love Mom." You read

You looked to the left of the letter seeing a Poke Ball, Berries and way more money than what you were given previously.

"Look guys! My mom gave us more stuff to support our journey! We can rent out a hotel now and buy ourselves a bigger tent and backpack!" You exclaimed

Crocalor roared happily as Pincurchin squeaked.

"You guys can see my mom when we go back after our journey just to give her a little progress report." You smiled

Arcanine barked happily before bracing himself when the train stopped.

"Zapapico." An automated voice said

"Let's go!" You said

You got up and so did your Pokémon so you put away the letter and all the things you were given before getting off of the train to see no one at the stop.

"This is odd, but we should get going!" You stated

Crocalor walked alongside you with Arcanine whilst Pincurchin stayed on your head.

You heard a small bark at your feet and when you looked down a Dachsbun was there.

"A Dachsbun? Where's you trainer?" You asked

Arcanine barked at the Dachsbun and it immediately barked back before looking at the train.

"Your trainer left you here?" You said

Dachsbun shook its head.

"I suppose no one could leave an adorable Dachsbun behind. Well, we better get going and I hope you don't get yourselves into trouble." You smiled

You walked off as the Dachsbun barked goodbye, Pincurchin in response squeaked so Crocalor roared at the Dachsbun.

You made it into the heart of the city, you then saw a large hotel and the price was right outside and it was actually pretty cheap.

"Let's stay here!" You declared

Arcanine, Crocalor and Pincurchin walked in with you and stood beside you while you were getting a room.

You walked up to your room with your three Pokémon and upon opening the door you had seen quite the lovely room.

"This is amazing! Totally better than a tent." You smiled

You heard a loud thump on the door and you turned.

"What?" You said

Arcanine growled at the door as you opened it just a little.

"Em... hi?" You smiled

A familiar Dachsbun barked at you before inviting themselves inside the hotel room.

"Did you follow us all the way here?" You asked

Dachsbun happily jumped over Crocalor and played around with Pincurchin.

"I guess you can stay since your trainer doesn't seem like they're coming back, I'll find you a new trainer!" You planned

Dachsbun looked at you and began barking repeatedly in a happy tone.

You smiled a little as Dachsbun hopped onto a couch and curled up, the Pokémon seemed to fall asleep quite fast.

You got out your Rotom Phone quickly.

"Dachsbun, The Dog Pokémon. Dachsbun's body emanates a pleasant, appetizing aroma, which helps wheat to grow; thus, Dachsbun is historically treasured by farming villages." Rotom said

"Let's all get some sleep now!" You smiled

Arcanine laid on the floor in front of the door, Pincurchin was resting on a counter top while Crocalor was sleeping right beside you.

You went to bed quite easy, the floor wasn't hard and it wasn't cold.

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