⌠ The Crater ⌡

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You woke up to find that all your Pokémon were awake, normal.

You went outside to see that Grafaiai was fast asleep on the picnic table under the watch of Crocalor and Arcanine.

"Morning! Well, night to Grafaiai." You laughed

You picked up Grafaiai and he seemed to latch onto you while in his sleep.

Dachsbun and Pincurchin were at your feet.

"We're gonna go catch a bus back to East Paldea!" You smiled

Dachsbun and Crocalor stared up at you.

"Okay. I guess I do have enough room since Grafaiai is asleep and latched on." You smiled

You grabbed Crocalor, Dachsbun and Pincurchin.

Pincurchin was placed on your hat while Crocalor and Dachsbun were in your arms.

 Thankfully packing up the tent and grabbing your back only required one arm and an Arcanine.

"Okay! Let's get going? We have everything we need!" You smiled

Arcanine barked in response and you hopped onto his back and he began running for the way out of Tagtree Thicket.

"I hope we don't miss a bus or a train!" You exclaimed

Arcanine ended up at the bus stop quickly, no sign of a bus coming or going through.

"At least we weren't late? I hope." You stated

Arcanine roared before looking off into the distance.

"Woah! A cave!" You exclaimed

Arcanine stared into the cave, you looked up and saw that it was some sort of crater.

"A crater in the middle of Paldea? Awesome! Let's go inside!" You smiled

Crocalor roared as Dachsbun barked.

Arcanine hesitantly followed you inside the cave, it was absolutely magical.

"This is awesome! Way better than catching the bus." You stated

You looked around happily and saw many things, Glimmet and Glimmora were floating around aimlessly.

"Look! Light!" You said

You and Arcanine ran towards the light and it led you to a small little grassy area surrounded by rocky walls.

"This is amazing!" You smiled

Crocalor hopped out of your arms as Pincurchin screeched.

You looked at who seemed very weirded out, Dachsbun seemed to hop out of your arms too and use the move Double-Edge on a nearby rock, a new move?

"How'd you learn Double-Edge?" You asked

Dachsbun didn't even know so you came up with a theory.

"The crater must have strong energy capable of giving Pokémon the strength to learn a new move, Dachsbun must've absorbed the energy and utilized it for Double-Edge!" You exclaimed

Dachsbun barked before running around, Grafaiai would've loved to see what you were seeing.

"We should probably get going now!" You suggested

Arcanine turned around and roared in confusion.

"Where'd the entrance go?" You asked

There were multiple caves.

"We're lost! I'm sorry guys!" You apologized

Pincurchin squeaked as you sat down beside a bush.

You looked over seeing a purple and yellow shimmer, a Pokémon.

"Woah! What kind of Pokémon is that?" You asked

The Pokémon disappeared, what did happen was the sky went dark and storm clouds appeared. It began raining and thundering.

"I didn't know it was supposed to rain today." You shrugged

Arcanine watched as you got out the tent and set it up.

"I guess we're sleeping here! Grafaiai's gonna have to stay in the tent." You stated

Arcanine got into the tent with you along with Dachsbun, Crocalor and Pincurchin.

Grafaiai seemed to wake up, was it nighttime already?

"Morning Grafaiai! We might've got lost in a weird crater so we're sleeping here for the night." You smiled

Grafaiai chittered before sitting down in a corner next to you, farthest away from the other Pokémon that were inside the tent.

"Really sorry I got us stuck here." You said

You unzipped your bag and grabbed blankets for everyone, it was raining so most likely it'd be pretty cold.

Pincurchin squeaked as you draped the blanket on top of him while Crocalor happily roared as you wrapped him in one.

"Tomorrow we can explore a little more since I doubt we're getting out soon." You said

Arcanine nodded before turning his head over to face the fabric of the tent.

Dachsbun wagged her tail and barked at everyone.

"I wonder why it's thundering outside. The Rotom Phone says that it's raining but not thundering." You stated

Thunder cracked and it seemed like an inch away from your tent, scary.

Crocalor quickly ran over to you and clung to you like life support, Grafaiai stated in confusion.

"Are you afraid of lightning?" You asked

Crocalor nodded before roaring.

"That's alright! Everyone has their fears! Even if you're a strong Pokémon you're allowed to be scared!" You smiled

Dachsbun grabbed the blanket and swung it over Crocalor before sitting beside him to comfort the Fire Type Pokémon.

You yawned and Grafaiai seemed to finally get up and check out the tent, Arcanine watched happily. Arcanine enjoyed Grafaiai's presence.

Dachsbun barked happily and you seemed to get very tired.

"Let's all go to sleep? Well, except Grafaiai. I'm pretty tired and we need to go exploring tomorrow to see if we can find anyone who can help us get out." You said

Grafaiai sat in Crocalor's corner while you sat right beside Crocalor and Dachsbun who seemed to be asleep already.

"Okay! I hope everyone has a good sleep because we're gonna need it!" You smiled

Grafaiai woke up slowly and he seemed pretty confused.

"Morning Grafaiai! Quick recap. We were gonna head home but I might've got us stuck in the middle of Paldea, you're gonna need to stay inside the tent tonight." You stated

Arcanine barked as Grafaiai looked around the tent.

"Okay! Goodnight guys!" You exclaimed

Crocalor and Pincurchin were already asleep and Dachsbun was curled up right beside Arcanine's head.

You decided to sleep sitting up since Grafaiai would be roaming around during the night, tripping a Pokémon with poison coated fingers.

You went to sleep right after Arcanine had fallen asleep since you were pretty tired of all the thinking you had did to get yourself out of the crater.

You felt pretty guilty for having to take them in with you, your Pokémon seemed pretty joyful to be in the crater with you so that was alright for you.

Grafaiai was confused as to why you walked into a crater that obviously seemed to not be searched very well.

You had a good sleep overall, worse than sleeping in the woods but a decent sleeping spot since it wasn't on the rocks or something sharp.

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