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This is a story about twins,a boy and a girl, that were taken out of their beds in the middle of the night by their mother and stolen away from their family.


Aurora Sarang Pérez/Kim

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Aurora Sarang Pérez/Kim

Date of birth: 22nd December 2015
Age: 8
Height: 125 cm
Weight: 20 kg

Date of birth: 22nd December 2015Age: 8Height: 125 cmWeight: 20 kg

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Lorenzo Hwan Pérez/Kim

Date of birth: 21st December 2015
Age: 8
Height: 130cm
Weight: 26kg


Mother: Kim Jiwon
Date of birth: 30th September 1978
Age: 44
Height: 162cm

Father: Alejandro Pérez
Date of birth: 28th April 1975
Age: 47
Height: 192cm


Luciano Jiho Pérez
Date of birth: 7th January 1999
Age: 23
Height: 195cm

Angelo Jeong Pérez
Date of birth: 15th August 2001
Age: 21
Height: 190cm

Romeo Kwang Pérez
Date of birth: 20th October 2002
Age: 20
Height: 187cm

Valentino Minjun Pérez
Date of birth: 20th October 2002
Age: 20
Height: 185cm

Jiwon had four sons with Alejandro till they decided to give it a rest after the twins came with a C-section and Alejandro worried for his wife's health. Years later she unexpectedly got pregnant and had another set of twins,but to everyone's pleasant surprise it was a boy and a girl. The family was overjoyed until the fateful night when Jiwon fled to her home country with her two babies wanting to protect them from the business their father was involved in.  

Her children that she left behind were lost without their mother and her husband broken and filled with despair from his wife's betrayal.But Jiwon had no choice,wanting a better future for her little baby boy and baby girl.She wrote them a letter trying to explain herself despite knowing knowing their hatred for her will run deep from now on.

My dear children and my love,

I know you must feel betrayed and lost by my departure but I had to do this.The mafia world is no place for my little babies and as a mother I can only do my best to protect them and thus I'm running away.I know you'll search high and low for me but you won't find me.I love you all so much and it breaks my heart but I have to go.

Love your mom and wife....

With these last bitter words,she left them giving them each a kiss on the forehead and running with two babies in her arms back to Korea.

She knew her mother resented her ever since she up and left with "the strange Spanish man" but she also knew that if she ran back to her she would welcome her with open arms.After all it was just the two of them ever since she was a baby.

And this is where our story begins....

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