Chapter 3

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Jiwon's POV

"엄마...." I whispered in a defeated voice.

She smiled with tears running down while the kids weren't looking.

"드디어 우리 손자를 만났어" she whispered in a broken voice.
(I finally met my grandchildren)

I sobbed and that's when my babies looked at us both with saddened questioning looks.

"엄마,할머니 왜 울어?" My little daughter on the verge of tears after seeing us in this state asked.
(Mommy,grandma why are you crying)

"You both are just so grown up now tomorrow you're gonna be 8 years old.Me and grandma got a bit sad seeing you grow."I lied through my teeth and gave them a smile.

My mother took my daughter in her arms snuggling and giving her kisses while I took my son who hugged me tight.

"거짓말" (liar)
He whispered and I squeezed him in my arms ignoring it.

We reluctantly walked into the house and my daughter asked first.
"이 분들 누구신데?"(who are these people)

Everyone turned at the sound of her voice and their eyes were filled with awe and adoration.My sons grew up so well without me.Luciano standing tall with a no nonsense look on his face but melting at the sight of his sister but then he saw me and fury over took his features.

I looked down ashamed and afraid of their rejection but why did they come.


As soon as I get a chance I'm grabbing the kids and we're running.I can't go back now.

"The wheels in your little mind are turning but if you're thinking you're running again then you're mistaken." My husband spoke with malice in his voice in Spanish so my babies wouldn't understand.

I whimpered,a bit scared and my son immediately jumped out of my arms as if to protect me from the strangers who where no strangers at all.

His brothers and father looked proud at his instinct to protect his family but sad that he thought they were a threat.

"아기 기억 안 나?우리가 니 오빠들이야"
Spoke Romeo dropping the bomb.
(Baby don't you remember?we are your older brothers)

"엥? 아닌 것 같은데"Sarang spoke out loud without realising and everyone awes at her.

She blushed and hid in my mothers shoulder.

"아니야! 형제 없다!" Hwan spoke with finality in his voice and loudly making the "strangers" frown.
(No! we don't have brothers!)

All of them turned towards me with an accusing look and I'm just trying to find a way to escape knowing that my mother wouldn't be harmed even if left behind.I can see the adoration of my elder sons for her in their eyes and in hers too.

"You didn't even tell them about us!You are truly cruel mother...."Luciano spoke in Spanish with a venomous tone.

At his shout my poor baby girl couldn't handle the tension anymore and started sobbing speaking gibberish.

"당신 누군데? 엄마한테 이렇게 왜이래?"she cried with broken sentence uncontrollably. My heart pained and I took her in my arms shushing her.
(Who are you?why are you treating my mom like this?)

They looked guilty and quietly sat down on the couches.I knew it was time to explain because there was no escape bodyguards were everywhere and even if I ran they'd find me again......

"울지마 우리 딸" I whispered and took her in my arms rocking her a bit to calm her down.                      (Don't cry my daughter.)

I took my other child by the hand and we sat on the couch my mother was on.A bit further from their brother because Sarang seemed uncomfortable.

"The truth is they are your brothers and when you were babies I took you away from them.And that man over there is your father he never died.Please don't hate me too much." I whispered the last sentence.

My mother put her hand on my back,rubbing it and my baby twins hugged me tight.

"We could never hate you mommy..."my baby girl whispered at me making my eyes water for the thousandth time today.

My son just looked me in the eyes with all the love he had for me and I knew he felt the same.

I squeezed them tight and whispered
"우리 쌍뚱이...... 세상에서 사람중에서 제일 좋아하는 사람 너야. 항상."
(My twins. In this world my favourite people are you. Always.)

They just snuggled into me.Now it's time to face the devil.I looked at my other family and they looked at their youngest siblings with adoration.

"Let's get to the point.You are coming back to Spain with us and you're never leaving again.Vale?"
My husband spoke with a serious tone and a scary look.(You understand)

"No,you don't understand.My children have built a life here,they don't speak Spanish.We have our little routine and they can't leave their grandma behind they grew up with her."I replied in a dejected but defensive tone and they just looked at me with anger.

"We'll send them to an international English speaking school and you'll take care of Korean while they learn Spanish.Their mother tongue."he answered with finality.

"NO! You don't get to come into our lives after 5 years and control us.I ran for a reason all that time ago and I'm not going back for the same reason.My children are having a wonderful NORMAL childhood here and they don't need your shitty decisions or their lives to be ruined by this big UNNECESSARY move to another country.I AM THEIR MOTHER, I decide."I spoke but with such assurance and power showing him I wasn't scared which angered all of them more.

"You made the decision to leave and abandoned us.I could've protected you just like I did all my sons before.Our children had a perfectly normal childhood and don't pull the mother card on me because I can snap my fingers and have them taken away from you in a few seconds." He looked me dead in the eye talking me he meant it.

I hold my babies close and look at them.I can't believe he just threatened to take them. That controlling bastard,he's just thinking of himself.

"You will not take us away from mommy and grandma! I'm not going anywhere with you people and neither is my sister. I wanna stay here with mom and grandma.I don't wanna go to Spain. I LOVE OUR LIFE HERE!" My son looked like he was a ticking bomb and that was half of what he was thinking.

His sister just looked scared and sad. The strangers seem a bit too aggressive to her.

"You will not speak to me that way boy,I am your father and if I decide you're moving,you ARE moving, you will respect us and speak to us in a polite manner,stranger or not." His father told him off but my son looked like he was boiling in anger still.

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