Chapter 1

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Jiwon's POV

It's been 5 years since I fled from Spain and left my four children behind to better the future of my two babies.Things have been going well,my mother was surprised to see me back but with two 3 year olds in my arms and nowhere to go she took me in and kept me in her warm hug while shedding tears of happiness.

My babies have grown a lot by now.Both at 8 years old my baby boy takes from his father and brothers standing tall and always looking over and protecting his sister while my baby girl is the sweetest,shy and quiet but with wonder in her eyes always standing by her brothers side trusting him with her life.I couldn't be more happy with their bond.

It's Saturday morning and we always sleep together in one bed every Friday and have some family time. I'm just waiting for my babies to get up so we can go on our weekend outing.

Ever since I came back to Korea I slowly earned money working as a secretary in my cousin's company and managed to get us our own little apartment.Every weekend we visit my mother and she always cooks something tasty for the kids since embarrassingly so,I'm not that good at cooking.

My baby girl is a bit of a picky eater and she's on the skinny side but I will never force her and I feed her what she likes slowly introducing new things to her while my baby boy loves all things Korean traditional food especially made from his grandma.

I miss my other boys and husband but I don't regret for a second my decision because my babies are living a normal life and they're happy.Sometimes they ask about their father but ever since they could understand I told them he died when they were babies and that's why we moved back to Korea.

My mother had a lot of questions when I showed up early morning out of nowhere but seeing the broken look on my face she let me be and we talked about when I felt ready.She reprimanded me and was definitely mad at me for leaving my other children behind but she understood where I came from and helped me. 

"엄마...." (mom)

"어, 우리 아기 일어났어?" (My baby did you wake up)

"엄마...애기아니잖아....." (mom I'm not a baby)

I just chuckled and shushed my little boy.

"Your sister is still sleeping,be quiet hmm.."

He finally turned to look at his sister that was sleeping on my other side and smiled at her.He definitely feels an older brother protectiveness over her ever since they were little.

We slowly got out of bed and I brought Sarang in my arms.We headed to the kitchen and I fed them some rice with soft boiled eggs and some orange juice after I woke up Sarang too.

"엄마,are we going to 할머니's (halmoni) house today?" (grandma)

"Yes,and since tomorrow is your birthday we're staying the night to celebrate with her." I replied with a smile on my face.

They both cheered and rushed to get ready and pick out their clothes for the rest of the weekend to take with.

My Hwan was born at 23:50 on the 21st of December while Sarangi was born at 00:15 on 22nd of December. Because of some complications Sarang was born through a C-section while Hwan came naturally. There were some worries about Sarang's health but she's fine.The doctors said she's just gonna be on the smaller side.

After packing their cute little matching backpacks and taking a small bag for me as well, we set off in the car for the one hour drive to my mother's house. She lives on the outskirts of Seoul while I decided to go a bit more central for my job and for better education for my kids.

After arriving I unbuckled them from their seats and they ran to grandma's front door.

"할머니 왔어!" they screamed in unison.
(Grandma we're here)

"우리 아기 왔네!!" She kissed them in their cheeks and squeezed them tight as if she doesn't see them every week but then she gave me a nervous look as she held them in her arms.
(My babies you're here)

Oh no.....

I just noticed all the black cars outside the house.....

It can't be.....

I hid so well from them for several years changing all our official documents to the Korean names I have my children secretly.



To be continued......

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