Chapter 4

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Jiwon's POV

"씨발....." Hwan muttered and I was schooled and so were his other siblings that to my surprise still knew Korean.

"You little shit you can't talk to dad that way!" Romeo exclaimed.

"내 맘대로 할게!" He answered with attitude.
(I will do what I want)

"Hwan go to the corner,time out for 15 minutes. Since you like to talk with dirty words."

"B-But..." he looked at me defeated.

"Now" and then he went to the corner.His sister tried going with him but I stopped her.

"And you Romeo I didn't think I allowed disrespect towards family in our household how about you join Enzo in that corner." My husband spoke. I didn't intervene but I would've said something if he hadn't.

Romeo looked embarrassed.But he just got up and sat next to Hwan.That should be fun.

"Back to the topic.Listen Jiwon when you left it broke all of us and I had to take on the role of mother and father.I am taking you back with me and that's final.Tall with your mother and she can come with us if she wants.The pequeñitos seem to love her a lot and I can't have her hate me more than she already does."Alejandro stated again and I felt torn.

I could attempt to run away again but how long until he finds us and where would I run.I could ask for help from my dear cousin,he's very capable with connections and he loves the kids too much.

"Just give me a few days.That's all I'm asking for. After the twins birthday we'll go." I pleaded.

"You have 24 hours,we'll be flying Monday 22nd. Either you'll be there or the twins will fly without their mother." He spoke with finality and I nodded helplessly.

I looked at my mother and she looked sad for me but also a happy glint was in her eyes.I'm guessing because she finally met her other grandchildren.
She hugged each one of them and gave them a kiss and they all kissed her back and hugged her tight.

I wonder how those two are doing in the corner.

Romeo's POV

Why the fuck was a sent to the corner like a fucking five year old. 

Because I swore.....


The little dude seems more sad than angry now.

I feel bad that I called him a little shit and he seems lost being separated from his sister. My heart warmed he is the perfect protective brother.

"뭘 봐?"(what you looking at)

"어 그게 저 미안하고...."(well I'm sorry)

"저도 미안....." (I'm sorry too)

He mumbled it with tears in his eyes.I couldn't handle him crying out of nowhere so I just patted his head in a comforting manner and told him not to cry.

"Are you gonna take us away from mommy?" He caught me off guard and I looked at him like a deer caught in headlights.He was crying as well making me almost cry too.

"I don't wanna go to Spain I love it here.I don't wanna leave my grandma or mommy and I don't want my sister to be sad."he kept crying and whispering his worries and my heart hurt for him.

The others were too busy to notice so I just gave him a side hug and kept patting his head.

"Listen buddy everything will be fine.Don't worry too much we can take 할머니 with us and we would never separate you from your mom."

"But that old guy said-" I laughed at the old guy.

"Papa was just trying to scare your mom. Don't take him too seriously,he's actually a softy." I comforted my baby brother and it felt nice to build a little bond with him.

"Kay...." He just leaned on me and settled down,no more tears.

I sighed in relief and realised that corner time was finally over so I got up and took my baby brother in my arms.He wanted to get down but I tickled him and he giggled.The sound of happiness. I've never smiled so much in one day ever since our so called mother stole our siblings away.

Jiwon's POV

I'm thinking and the only way out of this is either going with them or asking my cousin for help.He has the power to hide us until my babies grow up and can't be tied down by their father's custody over them.

I would like my kids to stay here.I can see how terrified my little girl is of leaving this life behind.

My thoughts were interrupted by Romeo laughing while tickling Hwan who was crying tears of laughter too.What a lovely sight and it pains that I'll have to once again break them apart but it's for their own good.

After a while all of them agreed to go back to their hotel for the night and we'll talk in a day's time when we'll be leaving for Spain.

Or so Alejandro thinks......

~next day~

Early morning I put my still asleep babies in the car and set off to the company so I could finally lose my husbands little spies.

"Oh? Jiwon what are you doing here? You should've told me you were coming so I could prepare something for my niece and nephew!" He exclaimed with a wide smile while smothering both of them in kisses.

"지훈삼촌 보고 싶었어...." mumbled sleepily Sarang and stayed in his arms.
(I missed you uncle jihoon)

He held her and looked at her with love and adoration.He's quite young but he would be a great father.

"나도 보고 싶었지 우리 아기!" He whispered in her ear making giggle from the ticklish feeling and I smiled contently.
(I missed you too my baby)

We finally sat down on the little couch in his office and I held Hwan.It was still quite early and they were both sleepy.

I explained to him the situation and while he seemed sad that we would have to part for a while he wanted to help me. We left for his house after a while through the back private exit. And I left my car there leaving those goons behind.

At night time I made my way to the apartment leaving the kids with Jihoon so I could gather a few of our stuff to leave later tonight.But what was waiting for me I would've never guessed along with everything that went down.

To be continued....

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