Chapter 5

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Jiwon's POV

After I put my babies to sleep I discussed my plan with my mother.I knew for a fact that they'll be following me so tomorrow early morning I'll take the kids back to Seoul and head to my cousin's.

He will help us.

And so I went to sleep in my mother's arms after a long time while she run her fingers through my hair to help me calm down and sleep.I'll miss this but it's only for a while.

I hope the plan works.

Alejandro's POV

I saw the wheels in my wife's head turning and I knew she was trying to find an escape plan.But I'm thoroughly prepared.We are not losing her or my pequeñitos again.I might have to force her but her rightful place is next to me with my bambini under my roof.

After we left I assigned some bodyguards outside the house to follow her every move.I couldn't find much about her life in Korea or her connections but I'm not stupid and she's not either.She knows I'll be following her.

~next day~

Morning came and I was notified that early morning she took the kids and headed back to Seoul. Apparently she went to a company building to meet someone and the bodyguards were staked outside waiting for hours but she never appeared.

She thinks she's gonna pull another disappearance on me but that will not be happening again.I asked Luciano to find their home address and I headed there waiting in her house for her.

Eventually around nighttime she appeared alone.

"Ah,look at what the cat dragged in...." I said in a low tone and she froze.

"How are you in here...?" She trailed off.

"Oh Jiwon come on! You might have left me so long ago but I still know the way my little wife thinks. Didn't you think I would've figured out your little plan or at least some part of it? We both know what I'm capable of....." she gulped as I stood to my feet walking towards her in a predatory way.

"Now....pray tell...what is my little wife thinking of doing? I sure hope it's not running away....." I reached her figure and towered over her with a serious look on my face showing I had the upper hand and she was caught red handed.

I expected a series of reactions but this I did not.

Her eyes suddenly started watering and tears run down her rosy cheeks.Oh how much I've missed her beautiful face and how her small palms fit perfectly in my rough ones.How her eyes disappear when she smiles wide and how her beautiful cheeks turn red when I compliment her.

How I hate seeing her cry and despite all the hate I've been harbouring all these years I could never really hate her. She's so selfless and would give anything for her children much like how she gave up everything and left me just for our pequeños bebés.

But she hurt her other children....

I couldn't help but drop the scary look and soften my eyes.

"Please don't take them away from me.I know I did wrong for taking them away but I had no choice I wanted them to have a carefree life without bodyguards and over the top protection just for a simple outing.I wanted them to experience the same childhood as me and see what their home country is like.I know you and our sons hate me but please I implore you don't take them away." She sobbed uncontrollably and fell down to her knees.

I didn't know what to say. I could tell all the guilt she has been feeling all these years as a parent I could understand her sort of.

"Jiwonah stop crying I won't take them away.Let us talk like adults and solve our problems.I'm sorry for barging in and demanding things but please also understand the betrayal I've felt all these years and how hard it's been to raise our sons. How many nights we've spent together wondering where you are and why you would leave us."

She kept sobbing and shaking her head.If she continued like this she would have a panic attack. She's an adult woman but sensitive like a child just like when I fell for her all those years ago.I picked her up in my arms and sat on the couch with her in my lap.

She was holding on to me and crying into my shirt. I honestly don't know what to feel. After I calmed her down a bit she looked at me with so much guilt and pain in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry.I'm such a terrible person.I was planning on leaving again but I can't take it I miss all of my children and I hate them looking at me so coldly with hatred.I'm the worst mother." She confessed all her feelings and hugged me tight.

I hugged her back and finally spoke.

"My Jiwon, as much as I want to hate you I really can't.I hate seeing you cry and most of all seeing you so sad and afraid. I would never take your children away from you and I regret threatening you. Please just give us a chance and come back to us. I promise our bebitos will have a normal life and continue so in Spain.We'll visit Korea whenever you want and you'll have all the freedom you want.Just please don't leave me again." I let my heart speak the truth and let her know that I'm being serious and I would never trap her.

She looked at me with hopeful eyes.And she kept thinking.

"Let's go get my babies so we can pack-"

"Actually I have a better idea.How about we stay for an extra week and spend Christmas here return just before New Year's to spend the rest of the holiday with the other family.Hmm? How would you like that my little wife?" I said while caressing her cheek.

She smiled a tearful smile and nodded.We held each other for a while reminiscing about everything that we were before she left and made our way to get the babies.I convinced her to come spend the night with the rest of us at the hotel so we can have some family bonding time.

To be continued....

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