Chapter 2

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Alessandro's POV

After 5 years,5 years since that despicable woman took my pequeños bebés away from me.....


I've searched all over the world I even searched the whole of Korea but it's as if she never existed.....

I'm sitting in my office trying to focus on work but I can't seem to get anything done.Tomorrow is my  bebés birthday and another year I'm not with them.

I'm holding their baby pictures and the heart wrenching letter I found on that horrible morning.


I woke up feeling next to me for my wife but she wasn't there so I just assumed she was with our babies.She always checks up on our littlest and only daughter since her birth and its complications.

I get up going to the twins room but find no one there.I search the bathroom,the living room every nook and cranny of the goddamn mansion but she's not here and neither are my babies.

My mind goes to the worst possible scenarios until I go back to our room and find a letter on her bedside table.After reading it I fall to my knees sobbing and burning with anger and sadness from my beloved wife's betrayal.

I heard my sons walk in and after my oldest reads the letter he starts bawling and runs to me.One by one they all come into my embrace crying for their littlest siblings and their mother.I was lost with four motherless children and my two youngest missing.

I promised then and there I would do my best to raise them and no matter what I will find that wife of mine and bring her back.

Tooth and nail....

~end of flashback~

The worst day of our lives.Ever since then I raised my boys to my best ability showing the love of a mother and father and slowly introducing them to the family business.I had to be there for them and play both parent roles.I could never be cold and harsh to them, doting on them and making them the capable men they are today that I am proud to call my sons.

I will never forget the betrayal of that day and the hatred I harbour for my so-called wife is never ending. I vowed to find her and I will never stop searching.

I was cut out of my thoughts by my office phone ringing.Thinking it was one of my sons I picked it up without hesitation but the caller took me by surprise.


"Hello, Mr.Pérez?"

"Marco? I hope you're calling with good news..."

"I have great news sir.I located your mother-in-law's house in Korea and I think you should pay her a visit. According to my intel Ms.Kim visits there every weekend.You have just enough time to get there."

I wanted to scream from joy. We finally have a solid lead.I kept my composure and hang up the phone while instructing Marco to email me the details.I called my sons into my office and they all gathered in less than two minutes.

"Hey dad,what is it? You seem to be in an extra good mood today."My eldest Luciano asked.

"Boys we finally found our pequeñitos.Pack a few necessities we're flying to Korea in an hour to pay your dear mother a visit."
I said with a glint in my eye knowing I've finally found her and she can't escape me.

~the next day~

We finally landed in Korea and we're just getting something to eat and going straight to their grandmother's house.

"Dad,are we there yet I'm sick of travelling.." the twins whined.

I sighed

"We're almost there and you'll finally get to meet your grandmother.I hope you remember the Korean you mother taught before she left."I said with distaste.

Jiwon's mother never accepted me.She didn't think I was good enough and was always suspicious of me.With good reason but she never gave the benefit of the doubt.Granted back then I swooped her one and only child away but she gave me no choice.

"She's not our mother..." Angelo murmured with a scowl.

I sighed again but I couldn't blame him.My poor boys were crying for days for their mother while she had left them behind and not only that but they missed their baby siblings as well.

We eventually reached my mother-in-law's house and parked the car outside along with the extra car with bodyguards.

I knocked on the door and as she opened it she paled and tried to close but I stopped her quickly.She stepped back and reluctantly let us in.A look of recognition came across her eyes as she saw the boys meaning Jiwon had told her and then......


"니까 뭔데?!" She screamed at me.
(Who do you think you are)

"I am here for my runaway wife and children settle down 어머니!" I ordered with an authoritative voice and she took a sit at the end of a couch with a scared look on her face.
(mother:this form in Korean is used by a son or daughter in law or in rich households where they speak formally)

"할머니..."I heard Valentino whisper and the old woman's eyes filled with tears.

She slowly got up and approached my sons and hugged them one by one.They made some conversation in Korean but I don't speak much so I couldn't make out anything.

"Grandma said they should be here any minute." Luciano informed me.

I hummed and nodded in her direction.

After a while a loud knock and giggles were heard from the door.My heart warmed.I made a move to get up but she signaled us to sit and wait and we reluctantly did so.

To be continued.....

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