Chapter 8

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Sarang's POV

Luciano asked me to wake up Valentino and Angelo. I mustered up my courage and walked to one of the rooms.There was a giant lump on the bed and I assumed that was Angelo.

I walked quietly towards the bed and got on the empty side of it next to him.I studied his face for a bit and he was really handsome,all my brothers were.

"오빠.....일어나....일어나야지....!"I whispered whining when he didn't move.
(Oppa wake up you have to wake up)

I whispered in his ear to wake up a few more times when suddenly his big arm pulled me down next to him and squeezed me into his chest. I shrieked in surprise and Angelo just snuggled me further into his chest.

"Just a few more minutes bebita ...." He mumbled kissing my forehead.

Out of nowhere the door busts open revealing Hwan.
He looked towards me and jumped on the bed pushing the giant that is our brother.But Angelo wasn't phased he moved his other arm and caged Hwan in his hug too.I sighed content with the warmth of my brothers falling into sleep without realising.

"Hey you get up and let me go,your hug is suffocating me!" Hwan said pushing at Angelo and disturbing the peace.

No more sleep I guess......

"Ugh just be quiet for a while,I'm suffocating you with my love." Angelo said and kissed his forehead.

Hwan just blushed and stopped whining,settling in our brother's arms and holding my hand.I just smiled hoping Hwan would open up a bit to all these strangers because they are our family now.

The door busts open once again revealing Daddy. He was smiling walking towards the bed.I love Daddy but he disturbed my sleep again just like Hwan did a while ago.

"Time to get up children." He said with a cheer in his voice.

"Dad just a while longer....." Angelo spoke with a tired voice.

He hugged us even closer if that was possible.I just snuggled into his neck ignoring the old man ruining our sleep.

"Let my twins go and  get up Angelo. We got things to do it's their birthday today."


I almost forgot it's our birthday today!!

I quickly pulled away and jumped from the bed and sprinted towards the other room to get ready.


I was so excited I didn't notice the person infront of me and bumped into their legs falling on my butt with an oof.

"Pequeñita be careful and don't run around like that." Luciano spoke as he pulled me up into his arms and kissed my cheek.I just blushed and looked away.

He chuckled and blew raspberries into my neck making me scream and giggle.I tried pushing him away but he wasn't having it.He kept tickling me and I couldn't breathe from laughter.

"I promise not to run please stop!" I screamed and giggled more.

He finally stopped and I settled into his arms hugging him and catching my breath. He finally let me go after I reminded him of his promise.

I went to the room mommy was sleeping in and she was sitting in bed folding some clothes.


"My baby did you go out with your Oppa?" She asked as she pulled me in her arms kissing me.

"Mhm we bought strawberry and banana and chocolate milk and we got bread as well and we walked through the park on our way back and...." I kept on rambling and she smiled lovingly.

"Oppa promised he'd take us to halmoni for my birthday and we'll have her seaweed soup and we'll go to the market and buy snacks and other stuffs to cook dinner together and we'll see all the aunties too!!" I spoke excited and loudly.

"Did he now? Well we should get ready no? Pick your outfit babygirl." I ran to the bag mommy brought and saw some cute corduroy overalls dress and ran to the bathroom to wash up so I could get dressed.

" I ran to the bag mommy brought and saw some cute corduroy overalls dress and ran to the bathroom to wash up so I could get dressed

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Mommy wore a matching dress and did her make up letting me wear some mascara and lip gloss after I begged her.Hwan walked in with a grumpy looking face and wore the outfit mommy had packed for him after washing up.

Hwan walked in with a grumpy looking face and wore the outfit mommy had packed for him after washing up

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"I'm so excited! We're gonna see halmoni with all the oppas and we're gonna have a family dinner." Thinking about it I can't believe we have such a big family.

It's still kind of early but I love all these strangers who aren't strangers to me anymore.Halmoni will be so excited when we surprise her.

We were done getting ready and daddy walked in. He looked at me and smiled wide while taking me in his arms and peppering my face with kisses.I just giggled from the ticklish feeling.

"My princesa you're so cute and beautiful just like mommy!" He spoke in a different language and I looked at him weirdly but hugged him tight giving him a kiss on the cheek shyly.

"Jiwonah let's go,everyone is ready to see grandma." I heard mommy's name but he was still speaking in a different language though I wasn't bothered I just laid my head on his shoulder.

We walked out of the room and I saw all the oppas sitting on the couch waiting for us dressed.Daddy walked out of the hotel not letting me go even though I could walk.He just held me tightly and I let him.

Hwan was holding Romeo's hand. I think they're besties now and mommy followed behind everyone smiling in content.Even though moving to Spain sounds scary I'm happy I met my family that I didn't even know I had. I love Hwanie and mommy but being in a big family with older brothers and a daddy has always been my dream and now that they're here I wouldn't have it any other way.

To be continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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