Chapter 6

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Alejandro's POV

We had really not realised the time and the pequeñitos were already asleep in each others arms so we just took them to the car and buckled them in.My daughter takes after her mother in her sensitive nature and innocent look while my son takes after us.He takes care of his sister like an older brother and I'm proud that he's protecting her.Although he doesn't need to from us.

My little wife's cousin was hesitant and he had a conversation with my wife in Korean.By his tone I knew he was stressed and sad about her decision but they ended up hugging each other and he just shook my hand and greeted me with some broken English but a strong facial expression that showed me he was not a weak man.

Arriving at the hotel I could tell Jiwon was nervous and she asked me if this was the right thing to do. I hadn't noticed that the kids woke up and they were discussing among themselves.They were speaking in Korean so I couldn't quite understand but my youngest son was sort of glaring at me.

I was sad but we are gonna fix this.He was hugging his sister tightly and she just kept dozing in and out of sleep.I just reassured Jiwon that we need to do this to help her rebuild her relationship with her other children and she finally put on a determined face and got out of the car.She took Sarang in her arms while Hwan held her hand.I was just following behind them.

We reached the top floor suite and Jiwon took a deep breath.I gave her other hand a squeeze and we walked in.My sons looked up and immediately frowned.I just gave them a look before they could say anything stupid.

"Mother dearest......I see your plan didn't work..." Luciano states with malice in his voice.

Jiwon just looked down with a look of shame and guilt on her face.I just sighed and reached for Aurora and Jiwon was about to hand her to me when Enzo stepped in.

"엄마 이 아쩌시가 우리 아빠 아닌데! 싫어! 왜 이래?? 지훈삼촌에게 돌아가자! 엄마 제발..." he sounded angry at first but his voice slowly got lower and her let out a small sob in the end.
(Mom this old guy isn't our dad.I don't want it. What's wrong with you?!?! Let's go back to uncle Jihoon. Mom please...)

Jiwon looked at our son with a defeated look.What was he even saying....

"I know you don't like this but he is your father and these are your brothers. We'll spend Christmas here and move to Spain in a week.Everything will be alright." She said as she handed me Aurora and took Enzo into her arms hugging him.



They intertwined their pinkies and touched their foreheads.I teared up a bit with the thought that my son hates us so much and with the idea that I've missed so much of their life and they think I'm this stranger ruining their lives.

"Everyone let's head to bed and we'll talk tomorrow at breakfast.9 sharp,don't be late.I'm looking at you two."I was nodding towards my twin boys who despite their age still act like children.

"Si." Everyone descended to their rooms and I guided Jiwon to my master bedroom with a king sized bed.(yes)

"Uhm how are we gonna sleep?"jiwon asks

"All together I'm not letting you out of my sight I've missed you too much."I say and kiss her lips softly.

She smiles and nods.My little wife hasn't changed a bit.I feel as if I still know her.I can't wait to have her in my arms with my two babies.Enzo seemed fine with it he was too tired and Aurora was already sleeping deeply so I think she'd be fine.

"I'll change Sarang and you can take Hwan.Have a talk don't you.환이 아빠랑 가.이야기 하면 좋은 것 같지."
Jiwon stated and I was nervous.Enzo gave her a nervous look too but complied nonetheless.(Hwan go with dad.I think it will be good to talk with him)

"어 엄마."(yes mommy)

And so Jiwon took Aurora to the bathroom to clean her up until I changed Enzo's clothes and then we'd switch.

"So.....I'm sorry for looking like a bad guy yesterday. I've just missed you and your sister so much.And I can't leave you behind.I promise me and your brothers love you very much and we would do anything for you.Only if you give us a chance will you know." I spoke to him softly while helping him undress since he was falling asleep standing.

My poor boy is tired.I don't expect him to even register what I'm saying.

"I'm sorry for speaking rudely in Korean and English to you....It's just....I just-" tears painted his little pale face and after I finished putting him in his pjs I hugged him close.

"It's okay don't cry.I understand.You can tell me anything."

"I don't wanna go....I like Korea and I love my grandmas kimchi stew and i love mommy and my baby sister and I-" he hiccuped after that and I shushed him while feeling guilty.

"Grandma can come with us and she can cook you anything you like everyday.Your brothers already love her.Spain is a nice place and I promise your mom will be with you all the time.If anything bothers you ever you can always come and tell me.Give us a chance mi hijo" I spoke in a hushed tone.
(My son)

"Okay daddy"he whispered in his sleep probably not realising he made me the happiest father in the world.

I turned towards the bathroom seeing Jiwon looking at us with a tearful smile and Aurora already in bed. I kissed her lips and put Enzo in bed next to his sister.I laid on Enzo's side and Jiwon on Aurora's hugging our children to sleep.Before falling asleep I heard a faint "I love you" in Korean.And my heart swelled looking at Jiwon who was staring back at me.

"Te amo" I whispered to her and we fell asleep as a whole family after years.

To be continued......

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