Chapter 7

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Sarang's POV

I woke up feeling squished.I looked around and I saw Hwan and Mommy on both of my sides and Daddy on Hwan's other side.I remember Mommy leaving us with uncle Jihoon and we watched movies while eating snacks and then I fell asleep.

I carefully slid out of the big bed and walked around. I opened the first door I saw and it led to a living room of sorts.There was one of those scary boys from last time sitting there,looking at his phone.

I tried to go back to the room but he heard me....


"아기 이로와...the others will wake up soon." He called me over and I just went there not wanting to make him mad like he was last time.(come here baby)

I sat on the furthest corner of the couch from him and played with my hands in my lap uncomfortably. I wish Hwan was awake.

Why are we even here I thought we'd stay with grandma and she'd make us seaweed soup for our birthday and then we'd go to the big market place and she'd buy all sorts of things to make dinner and we'd see all the 이모s there.

I was feeling sad suddenly.

Who are these people anyway.I only need mommy, Halmoni and Hwan.


I looked up and I was startled cause the boy was sitting next to me,studying me carefully.I instantly looked away and a yawn escaped me.

"Are you still tired babe? You can sleep some more it's still pretty early.Tell me whatever you need I can do it for you." He spoke softly while running his fingers through my long hair.

"Mmmm I just want to go to halmoni....and have her seaweed soup for my birthday.Why can't we go to halmoni like we always do?" I spoke and my bottom lip trembled while tears threatened to fall from my eyes.I was avoiding looking at him.

Third person's POV

Luciano's heart broke the wheels in his head turning. He was feeling guilty.

"Are you hungry?" He could only think of cheering her up with food.

Sarang shyly nodded her head.A few tears escaped her eyes and before she could full on sob Luciano hugged her and promised her that as soon as everyone woke up they'd go to grandma's house and have seaweed soup and they'd have dinner all together.

"Will uncle Jihoon be there as well?" Sarang asked and Luciano,not really knowing who this uncle was, promised her that everyone would be there.

After she calmed down,he took her in his arms, surprising her and they walked to the hotel's restaurant.Even though it was still early he could get her anything she wanted with a flick of his fingers.

"뭐 먹고 싶어? 오빠가 사줄께."
(What do you want? Oppa will buy it for you.)

"I want strawberry milk and sweet bread...Can we maybe go to one of those fun places that have snacks and ice creams and sweet breads?"

She asked shyly.She was talking about a convenience store,Luciano figured.Strawberry milk and sweet bread it is.

"Of course hermanita." Luciano said speaking gently and smiling at her. (little sister)

He passed by the restaurant of the hotel and moved towards the exit with Sarang still in his arms.She was enjoying the ride from up high with her head laid on his shoulder.

As they reached the convenience store he put her on her feet and she instantly run towards the flavoured milks.Luciano chuckled at her as she had picked a bunch of strawberry,banana and chocolate milks.

"Bebé slow down who's gonna drink all this?" Luciano questioned with amusement in his voice.

Sarang blushed " I'm getting some for Hwanie as well and for the others to try..." she whispered shyly.

Luciano just smiled and held all the stuff in his arms so she could pick the snacks she wanted.Once again she came back with full arms and they walked towards the till.

After paying for everything Luciano held the bags while Sarang was holding onto his pinky finger to walk back.Luciano's heart swelled from the small time he spent with his baby sister.He couldn't believe he could adore her more than he already did.

Hwan's POV

I woke up between Mommy and Daddy but Sarang was not in bed.I quickly got up and looked around the room and the bathroom.Not there either.I ran out of the bedroom and Romeo was there half asleep on his phone.I ignored him and continued searching.
I was on the verge of tears.

Where is my sister?!

"Hey little dude what's wrong?" Romeo asked.

"Where is Sarang? She's not here she's not sleeping ..... Where did she go??" I asked him frantically and sobbing.

"Hey calm down, don't worry she-"

The door of the hotel room opened and Sarang walked in with our eldest brother.I ran to her hugging her relieved. All these new people are making me anxious.

"What's wrong Hwanie?" She asks me with a pout after seeing my tear stained face.

"Nothing now that you're here." She smiled and hugged me again.

I stared at my eldest brother suspiciously and he studied me carefully with a faint smile on his face.
Whatever I still don't like them.Daddy is okay and Romeo is cool but that's it.

"환이! 오빠랑 맛있는것 샀어!먹자!나중에 할머니 집으로 갈거야,오빠 약속했어!!"
(Hwanie! I bought snacks with Oppa! Let's eat! Later we'll go to grandma's house,he promised!!)

"그래 먹자." I smiled at my sister's excitement.
(Okay let's eat)

I forgot that they understood Korean as well only realising when they were both looking at us with fondness in their eyes and telling us to eat quickly so we can wake up the others and go.


She's my grandma and my sister's not theirs. I scowled at them but helped my sister open her strawberry milk as she ate the sweet bread with happiness.

"Slow down babe you're gonna choke no one is taking it from you." Luciano spoke whiping her mouth that had chocolate and whipped cream around it.

Once we were done Luciano proposed that Sarang woke up our brothers which I didn't like but she was excited so whatever.As long as she's happy.

I was tasked with waking up our parents.

I walked to their room when I suddenly heard a shriek from the room on the opposite side of the one I slept in.

To be continued....

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