Childhood friend

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Your pov

"Are you awake?" You hear a soft voice peak through your door followed by a small tap. It is your brother, Cody.

"Yeah, I guess I am. Now anyways" You respond, getting out of your dark divan bed walking to the pale, off white door to see what he wants.
"Mom and dad want you to come down to the kitchen and help unpack-" your little brother was cut off by a yell.

"(Y/n) get down here! Help with this!"

"Coming!!" You holler back just as blaring.

You are having an gawky conversation with your mother.

"So what are you going to do today (y/n)?" She asks in a downy voice just like your brothers.

"I-I don't know. What did I usually do when we lived here?" You ask curiously.

"Well, you either visited grandma and grandpa...." Her voice got quiet until you couldn't hear her anymore.

"Well, they're gone. Did I not do anything else as a child? Did I not have a life?" You say to her in what you think is jokingly but your mom takes it hard.

"Stop! Just stop with that shit! You know you had a life!" She yells at you. You stand there waiting for her to apologize but all she does is put the plates she had in her hand down and say she's done. She puts one hand on your shoulder, looks you in your eyes and say that you loved the woods. She never could figure it out. But you always loved the woods. She then walks up to her room and after a hour passes you realize she is not coming back down so you decide to go get some fresh air.


There you are, sitting In front of woods at what use to be your grandparents house before they vanished. That is why you moved back. You see something move in the woods. Thinking it is a cat, you get up to go find it.
"Kitty kitty." You say as you walk through the deep cluttered woods. Stepping and jumping over broken trees that have fallen over the years you have been away.
After what seems like ten minutes since you started walking, you stop. Turning around in circles you try to find the way you came. Realizing you are lost, you start running to get back to your house faster. You hear crunching noises from the leaves and stop. You know that it is not you making the noise. You look around to see if anybody is out there and then you see it. The cat. "KITTY!!!!" You yell out. The cat frantically stops and looks at you. The adorable black cat sits on a moss covered tree trunk just feet in front of you. The yellow eyes stare at you as it drops its head to the side and lays down for you to pet it.
"Awh!!! You're so adorable!!! You look like a (c/n)" you say looking at the cat. Still, the cat just looks at you. Lifting your hand up to pet the adorable black cat it jumps up. Scared, it continues to look at you but you move your hand again and the cat vanishes.

"Do you have any idea how much trouble you are?!?" You utter and move to sit on the spot the cat was just on. Looking around you let out a long sigh of confusion and frustration.

You hear crunching leaves, but it doesn't phase you. "I don't want you anymore." You speak to the cat, that is not a cat.

There he is. You look up at a ample thing standing right in front of you. Wearing a black tuxedo. No expression. You stand there continuing to look at what ever it is.

Curiosity gets the better of you and you take a step forward. Getting a better look at his face, you realize, he does not have one.

"Wh-who-who are you?" You say barely loud enough for yourself to hear your own question.

"Slenderman." The tall figure replies sighing out his answer.
"Sl-sle-slenderman?" You say to make sure you heard him correctly.

"Yes (y/n) I'm slenderman."
You are shocked. Trying to take a step back, not realizing there is a huge stump there, you fall. You do not know what to do. How in the hell does he know my name? You think to yourself.

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