A friend

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Your pov

Waking up with sun rays in your eyes you check the time. 6:37. "Why am I waking up so early!" You shout into your pillow throwing the covers off to go use the bathroom. You brush your teeth, comb your hair, and use the bathroom. Walking out, you see something go by your window fast. "What in the hell?" You utter to yourself as you walk bare foot over to the window. Searching for what you just saw.

"Good morning (y/n)" you hear behind you. Slowly turning around you see him. Slendy. "What? Wh- how?" You ask looking up at him. "What do you mean?" He asked with a slight chuckle. "How did you get into my room? How do you know where I live?" You asked walking over to your bed to take a seat. He followed behind and laid on his back. His feet hung off of the bed and it made you giggle. You put a hand over your mouth to try to stop. "What?" He asked sitting up pulling a lose strand of your (h/c) hair and tucking it behind your ear. "Oh...slendy..." You say in response and point down to his feet. "Slendy?..." He's says. "I've never been called that before...I...I like it." Pulling you onto his lap.

"What did we do as kids?" You say looking at him. "We talked about our deepest secrets..." He says with a chuckle.

"No I mean for real." You respond.
"Do you even know who your first kiss was?" He said shaking his head. "Yeah...his name was Blake." You say in confusement.

"No (y/n) that was not your first kiss." You look at him and turn around in his lap so your facing him. "Oh really huh? And I suppose you know then?" He caressed your face and pulled you in close. You pressed you lips gently to where his would be and pulled back. You looked up at him and he pulled you back in. Kissing slightly harder now.

"Do you remember?" He said looking at you. "Yes. Yes. I remember you."

He smiled and kissed you on your forehead. "So did we....uhm....did we like?...." Your voice trails off as your face grows red with embarrassment. "Did we what?" Twirling a piece of your hair between his fingertips as he spoke. "Did we go out?..." You say in a low whisper. His face turns pink as he cups your face. Kissing it ever so slightly and speaks.

"Yes. But we didn't know what we were doing." Laughing as he set you to the side.

"What did we do?" You ask curiously sitting on your knees still in your pajamas. Which is just a long T-shirt that comes up to mid-thigh. He put a hand on your leg and rubbed it. "We did nothing." He said looking up to you pulling his hand away, but you want it. You want this. You want him. Badly.

All you can do is stare at your hands. You feel a small tear fall from your face and whipe your eyes hoping he wouldn't notice because you wouldn't have any idea how to explain why your tearing up. "(Y/n)?" He says pulling your chin up to make you look at him. Shit. You think to yourself. What am I suppose to say?

"What's wrong, darling?" He responds, but all you say is nothing.

Slendermans pov

I look over to her crying. Oh no, what did I do? I think to myself. This beautiful person is crying. What did I do? "(Y/n)?" I say looking at her. Grabbing her chin to make her look at me. "What's wrong, darling?" I say hopping she will tell me. Darling? Woah! Did I... I just called her my darling. MY darling. She's MY beautiful creature. My human. I can't stand to see her like this.

"Nothing." She responds in a soft cracky voice. I pulled her onto my Lap and rocked her like a tiny baby. "Darling, something is wrong. Why won't you tell me?" I say kissing her forehead. Oh how badly do I want her. How badly I need her. How did I survive those almost ten years with out my only friend? The only person I've cared for. How? "It's just..." She responds but looks away. I can't stand when she hides her face. Her beautiful big (e/c) eyes and her long (h/c) hair. "It's just what?"
"It's just..." She starts and pauses. Speaking again slowly. "I want you.." My face turned red. But not because I was embarrassed. "Why is your face red? I knew I shouldn't have said it." She said trying to get up but my grip on her was to strong. "I feel the same way. Do you not see?" I said hoping she would realize I've been waiting for her all along.

Her face got red as she covered it with her sleeves.
Her tiny hands with my large ones that can easily wrap around hers two times. Her small waist that I love holding. Her smooth legs. Her...chest. Everything about her is special to me. Everything about her turns me on. Why is she so oblivious to me wanting her so badly? Why?

Your pov

You sit there being cradled in his lap, wondering what he's thinking. He just told you he wants you the same way you want him. But it's to early to do anything.. You think to yourself and you think about being with him. You start to think. I wonder what he looks like with out the tux on... And you stop. No. That's wrong. I can't. Can I? You think to yourself.
"(Y/n)?" You hear at your door. You get up to see who it is. When you get to the door you turn around seeing if he's still there. Nothing. He's gone. You give a small sad smile and open the door. It's Cody. "Um..something happened." He said reaching up, giving an awkward scratch to his neck and looking down. "Cody? What is it?" You say worried. "Umm..." He starts and trails off. "Cody. What happened." You say with a stern voice. "Come look..." You can tell there's disappointment in your eleven year-old brothers green eyes. You follow him down stairs to where you found him last night. "There.." He said pointing to the couch. You find a bowl on the floor. There's dried ice cream every where. "I knew I should've got this last night." You say aloud. You give him a little laugh and tell him it will be fine. "Go get a rag and spray under the sink." He leaves the room and you walk over to the couch to where the spill is. "Bathroom or kitchen!" You hear him yell out from upstairs. "Kitchen!" You yell back.
Cody returns with everything you need and you clean the mess up. "I'm going to go out. Do you think you can handle the house?" He looks at you with a huge smile on his face. "Yes. I think I can." You smile And rub his hair.

You pull up at your grandparents house and walk into the woods. "(Y/n) you came back." You hear. "Slendy. Come down here." You feel a warm hand on your shoulder and turn around to face him. "Come with me I want to show you something." You follow him past the lake you were at yesterday with him. You come to a stop at a house with flowers around it. It looks so new. "Is this your house?" You say in a curious voice. "Well..."
"Slender!" You hear a voice shout. A dog comes running out of the house.
"Buddy, where you been? Who-"
"This is (y/n)" he says grabbing ahold of your waist. He leans down to your ear and says, "this is Jeff.." You look at this Jeff character and give him a small smile. Wondering what happened to his mouth and eyes. You say nothing.

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